Parent forumA place for parents to discuss their children's conditions
Newly diagnosedYou're not alone - ask questions and get support
Health chat3All those health related questions and the all important answers
Women’s zone
The place for all those female-specific conversations
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Men’s zone
The place for all those male-specific health conversations
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Medications and equipment
Chat medical here - get a response from one of our members or one of the Muscular Dystrophy UK Team
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Getting aroundMobility - Gadgets - Adjustments - Home
Hints, tips and tricksHints, tips and tricks you just can't miss!
Help and adviceNeed some input? Get questions answered here related to housing, assessments, entitlements, and much more
Caring for someone with Muscular DystrophyA place to talk about caring for a partner, family member or friend
Parents and children
Are you a parent with Muscular Dystrophy, or have a child with Muscular Dystrophy? Want to talk to other parents?
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Off-Topic board — Chat and chill!!Tell bad jokes (keep it clean folks!), make friends, and let your hair down.
Awaaz groupA place for people from the Awaaz group and others from around the country to connect, chat and discuss the issues that they're facing.
Opportunities and requestsHere you can post opportunities or requests for people to take part in surveys, research, or groups.