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  • #74988
    ZASP – related muscular dystrophy

    Hi All,

    I have been undergoing genetic testing for a few years with no answer as the my muscle condition. I have just been informed that I have a significant mutation in my ZASP gene which is highly likely to be the culprit. Although this specific mutation hasn’t been seen before mutations at different points in the ZASP gene are known to cause muscular dystrophy.

    Does anyone else have a mutation in this gene? I typed ‘ZASP related muscular dystrophy into google and a page about limb girdle MD came up listing it as a type of LGMD. I’m not sure if this means i am like likely to have a form of LGMD.

    Take care

    Posts: 33
    Joined: 01/02/2012
    Re: ZASP – related muscular dystrophy

    Hi Hedgehog,

    It can be mind bending trying to get an answer to a simple question “What have I got”, especially when it is a question everyone asks you, and every forms want to you know.

    Obviously a confirmed diagnosis can only come from your consultant. I am not sure whether any of our research guru’s could shed any more light on your question.

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