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  • #154925
    Working with LGMD

    Hi, I have diagnosted around a year ago with LGMD, Im a foreing radiographer currently looking for a job in the nhs and I would like know if it is possible to work having this condition or I should simply have to give up my career at some point. Has someone here work as a nurse or MRI radiographer having this condition? I dont know what to do…

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    Reply To: Working with LGMD

    I have worked for the NHS in a clinical capacity with FHSD. I discovered that as soon as they found out I had that they wanted to get rid of me. That was the Trust I worked for, your may well be different. In the end it will depend on whether you have the ability to carry out the work that they need you to, perhaps with some help from the Access to Work people. They do have an obligation to help you if they consider you are the best candidate for the job. It is possible that the intake medical may throw up problems that will not allow you to take up the post. So it may be a bit of a bumpy road but I would encourage you to try. If you get offered an interview I would also suggest you try and go around the department before hand as it will prepare you for any questions they may ask about your ability to do the job, which they will ask, and I always found it indicated that the candidate was keen and thus a better one.
    Please let us know howyou go on.

    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
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    Reply To: Working with LGMD

    Hello,thanks for answering. I have worked before as a radiographer in my country,but im looking for a permanent job there. My only fear, is that sooner or later i wont be able to work as a radiographer,but at least I want to enjoy till I can.

    I will try depending of the trust, so thanks!

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    Reply To: Working with LGMD

    You MUST try. Many employers will be very helpful and try and keep you in work as long as possible. Let us not forget how much money it cost to train you in the first place. But you must try for your own self worth. I was forced out some 13 years ago, and whilst early retirement can be welcomed it destroys your self confidence and self worth. I have spent the intervening years combatting those two after effects. SO keep working as long as you can, but also be prepared for the day when you cannot carry on with what you do as a radiographer. You might be able to teach instead, or take on a more administrative role.

    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
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    Reply To: Working with LGMD


    I cant add much. but have known two nurses and a Vet with forms of MD.

    One of the nurses moved form active duty to desk based and the other moved to more family counselling role.



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    Reply To: Working with LGMD


    I also have LGMD. I am not in the medical profession but work in the teaching profession. I am a Teacher of the Deaf and now work three days, which is plenty. I no longer ‘teach’ due to my lack of mobility but assess children, which is an area of need in all schools. Children come to me as well. I hope that the medical profession can accommodate your needs — surely your profession should be able to do that for you and, one would hope, have more knowledge than other professions and workplaces.

    I hope you get the support you need.

    Shevvy :wave:


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