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  • #73254
    Where to Obtain Practical Financial Advice

    I would like to know where I can obtain practical financial help.

    I presently work full time but in 1998, I was diagnosed with a muscle condition. I believe myself to be mildly affected, in that I am able to walk unaided, alhough I do have a tendency to fall and stairs can be hard work. I have always got incredibly tired and this is getting worse. Have been told I need to find ways to reserve my energy and that my tiredness is muscle fatigue.

    I think I would benefit from working less hours but obvisouly less work means less money. I need to know where I can turn for help with finding out what impact reducing my hours would have on benefits and my pension. It seems to me that while websites like DirectGov have information about disability and employment, there is no one organisation who will actually look at me as an individual and help me with calculations and the benefits system is much too complicated for me to be able to do this myself.

    Is there anywhere I can turn for help?

    Posts: 10
    Joined: 04/10/2010
    Re: Where to Obtain Practical Financial Advice

    Welcome to TalkMD maybaby. :)

    It sounds like you’ve already done some web research, but we have a thread on here in which I’ve linked to the Benefits and Work website which ranald, one of the members here, is involved in. He may be able to offer you some better quality advice than I’m likely to be able to.

    And you raise very valid points, the system is too complex and there’s not enough help available for people looking to make claims. :| :roll:

    Feel free to say “hello” to the other members in the introductions thread. By the way, you’re our 99th member 8-)


    Posts: 166
    Joined: 16/08/2010
    Re: Where to Obtain Practical Financial Advice

    Thank you, I have taken a look at the other message board and posted a message there and have introduced myself too. :D

    Posts: 10
    Joined: 04/10/2010
    Re: Where to Obtain Practical Financial Advice

    Hi MyayBaby, I posted my reply on your other thread.

    Feel free to private message me if you want help with more specifics :)

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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