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  • #152219
    Unprecedented Weight Loss – Malnutrition

    I have a rare congenital myopathy. I haven’t been fitted for a bespoke suit in 2 years but had a fitting a few weeks ago and my measurements have altered drastically in pretty much every area which is very alarming. I was a 36-inch chest now 31. I have gone from a 34-inch waist to a 29 (and a half) inch waist. I had a battery of tests to rule out any underlying condition which would account for such a loss (cancer, parasite, HIV) and had an endoscopy coupled with a biopsy and all came back either negative or inconclusive. My myopathy is relatively rare, but generally, we tend to be on the slender side. Most people are between 7 stone 9lbs to 9stone the portliest is 11stone, although this is low it is consistent with this MD. But, being emaciated and malnourished is not conducive to longevity. I have been more active lately attending University and engaging in an academic endeavour and late nights studying and writing essays etc., but this does not account to for such a loss. I have reached the conclusion my metabolism is burning more calories than I consume or my muscles are just wasting away and this just a natural consequence of this putrid disease. But, if anyone can offer any advice or proffer a suggestion on what it could be or what I can do to improve matters PLEASE let me know.

    Thank you.

    Posts: 14
    Joined: 16/08/2013
    Reply To: Unprecedented Weight Loss – Malnutrition

    Have you tried keeping a food diary to see what you are consuming. when busy it is easy to miss meals or the normal volume of food.

    Due to the physical effort and fatigue of eating, I now really on Ensure Dietary milkshakes to supplement my diet to ensure a good intake. A Dieticion would be best placed to talk to you about this

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Reply To: Unprecedented Weight Loss – Malnutrition

    Hello and welcome Flynn. There is some very sensible advice from catatude there as a great starter to help you udnerstand exactly what you are eating, or not eating. There are many of the milkshake supplements that can help, each with their own characteristics. On top of that you can of course eat foods high in calories which the dietician can help with. Nuts, bananas etc make great snacks, as does chocolate if you need a sugar boost. But piling in the calories on its own will not be sensible. Good quality healthy calories are important.
    However, late nights studying and other such stresses will also not help you gain weight, I speak from experience. You also did not mention about any exercise you do. Clearly if you do lots of exercise you will burn more calories.
    Do pelase come back and tell us how you are getting on.


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
    Joined: 02/11/2015
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