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  • #74234

    This Thursday I will be attending a special transition event called Futurefest. The event is being held at Treloar College in Alton gives students the opportunity to chat with organisations that may be involved in the future.

    Transition can be a difficult time for parents. They are often bombarded with choices regarding their children’s future. These choices could include university, college, employment or work experience.

    I would love to hear from you about your experiences with your child’s transition and whether or not you are struggling to decide what is best for your child!

    Posts: 32
    Joined: 09/01/2012
    Re: Transition

    Sounds like a fab informative event, let us know how it goes for you.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Transition

    As promised I’ve done a short but sweet brief on Futurefest which can be found on our campaigns blog at


    Posts: 32
    Joined: 09/01/2012
    Re: Transition

    Hello :) and a group just for parents of a child with M D :D
    I wish someone could have told me about this when it was set up 2 years ago! :roll:
    My son is 15 and we are now into the transition stage and thinking to a future which is a long way from where we were 3 years ago when we were told by the medics he only had a year left on this earth! :shock: I range from being :cry: to feeling :twisted: and then :oops: and anything in between. :roll:

    We just don’t know what to plan for, there certainly is a lot to think about :? and I was wondering who is the best person to talk too. I feel so very isolated as me and my husband have occasional totally opposing thoughts :roll: on the route we would like our son to take. The choice has to be his I know but some guidance from those who know, or who have been there would be good.

    Posts: 4
    Joined: 24/02/2012
    Re: Transition

    Hi, im sandra and my son TJ is now 20 years old. He has been to mainstream school and then went onto mainstream college. We visited trealaus as well when he was 15 and they couldnt cater for him intellectually and wanted to send him to a nearby college during the daytime and board in the trealaus. I wasnt happy with this and TJ realy wanted to be in his own home/room with his own family. This is what he did and is now at the same college doing a uni degree and in his last year. He has been happy and is glad he took this root! Hope this is of some help. Sandra :roll:

    Posts: 12
    Joined: 23/02/2012
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