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  • #73317
    tonsil removal and vent user

    Im 28, latest diagnosis is rigid spine (SPN1) MD, have scoliosis and use a bipap to sleep (or lie down)

    Went to see a ENT Doc about my tonsils last week, they too big, I get 2 to 3 throat bugs every year and they get a weird build up of food stuck to them.

    Got a call for the pre opp (8.00 monday morning) way sooner than I thought id hear fom them…

    has anyone had tonsils removed or any kind of throat surgery while using a vent. Im getting a little worried about the recovery time in adults and the amount of possible bleeding.

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: tonsil removal and vent user

    Hi catatude, goodness that appointment was quick! I don’t know who you are under with the bipap but i would ask them- although if it’s on monday you probably won’t get chance before you have it done. I sought advice when surgery was mentioned, from my consultant at the Brompton. The op never went ahead for reasons other than respiratory but i’d always start with her. Even if it is post op it might be worth contacting a respiratory hospital for advice on recovery and using a vent. All the best, Sarah

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: tonsil removal and vent user

    thanks for reply sarah

    I’m going to resp hospital on Tuesday to guinea pig a new gadget that measures diaphragm movements. will see what they think.

    having them out seemed like a good idea last week, today not so much.

    ow well being able to taste your food is probably highly over rated anyway


    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
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