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  • #177614
    Tips for fatigue

    Hi, does anyone else get this after a few busy days or after doing too much. I have a day or 2 where I feel like I have the flu, I feel like I have been beaten up and ache a lot. My main tricks have been hot baths, sleep a bit more, rest but even that is not touching it lately. I feel like I have a ‘debt’ energy/power wise and I am finding it harder and harder to fix? Does anyone else understand this and how do you deal with it?


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    Reply To: Tips for fatigue

    I certainly do understand , I feel exactly the same way many times. I feel one day I can do a few more things than normal. fifteen minutes in I know that it was a mistake. Rest, fifteen minutes more, rest, another fifteen minutes. By now the rest periods are longer than the work period. Eventually a wall builds and I stop doing everything. The next few days I feel just as you have described.
    I reason that I have something like a battery inside (totally illogical I know but bear with me). As I ‘work’ the battery gets used up until eventually it goes flat. The problem with a flat battery is that it takes much, much longer to recharge than a partially used one, hence I need to take a few days off to get it back to normal.
    There is a scientific explanation for this I am sure, you might want to look at this

    Muscle Metabolism

    if you are keen. FOr me I am too concerned with dealing with the pain and how to get the jobs done now I cannot do them myself, to worry too much about the science of it.


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
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    Reply To: Tips for fatigue

    Interesting thank you Mike. I do find the science interesting but I get what you mean. Sometimes I don’t mind reading up on things and other times it makes me feel like I am focusing too much and then causing more stress and therefore more fatigue. If any of that makes sense.

    The battery description is good. :yes:

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    Reply To: Tips for fatigue

    post activity payback is common. I try to keep well hydrated. I find i drink less when busy so end up more tired and muscles ache

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    Reply To: Tips for fatigue

    Hi Cat, oh good point about the water, I think I need to drink more.

    Thanks. :)

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    Reply To: Tips for fatigue

    Hi, This is the one area I have found taking Co-enzyme Q10, CoQ10 helps with. It doesnt make me stronger or have more stamina but I believe it definitely helps me recover quicker. I have met others who agree with me and some who say it made no difference. It is not a drug, I believe it is classified as a food supplement and if you google it you will see it is widely used for a range of uses including support for stroke patients to improve heart muscles. I started on a low dose 60mg daily but as my condition has deteriorated over the last 12 years have found the need to increase, through 100 and am now taking 200mg to maintain same effect.
    Cannot guarantee it will work for you but might be worth trying.

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    Reply To: Tips for fatigue

    Yes I agree with you. I have days when I cope very well and others when I am truly so exhausted I just have to stop and rest at regular intervals. I have noticed I get extra tired when I worry about my future with inclusion body myositis especially when I know it is incurable. I am even having to make the effort to go out some days. Today, for example, I noticed that my legs are getting weaker and my ability to walk is very reduced.

    Colin 42


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