Specialist clinic time and improving quality of life.

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  • #75595
    Specialist clinic time and improving quality of life.

    Left appointments and later realised there was a question you forgot to ask? Have there been times of difficulty recalling health related changes since your last appointment?

    Making a template or list of what you believe may be important to take into each clinic or may need to gain from the clinic may help.
    For own benefit, the list can also help in recognising where there are difficulties but more importantly breaking these down and finding ways to manage things-finding answers and improving quality of life.

    Example of things to consider:

    Current medications (current prescription) and medical equipment. Provides good medical background.
    Recap on other long term health conditions/recent other health. Any recent hospital stays or operations.
    Physical activity/mobility.
    Eating, food preparation and necessary dietry changes.
    Digestion issues.
    Fatigue and general tiredness.
    Support from friends, family or carers.
    Social and holidays.
    Mental wellbeing, what affects this, what helps, how to get the correct help when it is most needed?

    *with all of the above-think of when effected-before during or after, how effected, fluctuations, causes, the benefits of/the risks of, coping mechanisms, medical and/or general assisting tools used, support from others and how to gain assistance in any area of need.

    The above highlighted areas for discussion, or needing answers to, are ideas to consider only. Everyone will have their own.

    Y Petitjean
    Posts: 2
    Joined: 19/10/2014
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