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  • #74368
    SEN seminar and learning disabilities

    Hello all!

    Claire and I were lucky enough to be able to attend a seminar on SEN at our partner law firm’s offices yesterday. The seminar was led by educational psychologist Ash Rehal and covered issues relating to SEN statements and learning disabilities such as ASD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADD. It was extremely useful and will help in our advocacy work, PEN and our work with schools.

    I’d like to take this opportunity to ask if you had any questions regarding associated learning disabilities/ difficulties. I would be more than happy to answer them for you!

    Posts: 32
    Joined: 09/01/2012
    Re: SEN seminar and learning disabilities

    hi, have you got any suggestions to help my almost five year old son who has duchennes, with learning difficulties that include speach and language, memory, fine and gross motor skills. :idea:
    He has been uder the care of speach and language since the age of two and continues getting support and advice from them. His language has improved since his grommets were inserted into both his ears but he has alot of catching upto do :!:
    In terms of memory, he forgets concepts very easily and has difficulty in learning concepts eg, phonics, counting to 10 etc We do play memory games…

    I do worry as he does get alot of support at home and school try their best. I understand that he will learn in his own time but it is becoming more eveident that he is struggling. Have you any suggestions :?:

    Posts: 12
    Joined: 15/07/2012
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