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  • #74391
    Re-run DMD test privately?

    Hi all,

    Me again. Does anyone know of a lab in the UK where I could get my son’s DMD test run again? I know the previous test was 99% conclusive, but I would like to repeat it because I usually don’t stop at a first opinion. I have found a lab in Greece but they want EUR 555 to re-run the test. Just wondered if there was a cheaper option.

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    Re: Re-run DMD test privately?

    Hi again hsmum, i’m afraid i have never encountered anyone seeking a private re-test. I was told that my Becker MD was a certainty due to the off the scale CK levels detected in my blood.

    Both my daughters were re-tested only because their readings were above normal, but not excessively so.

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    Joined: 05/09/2010
    Re: Re-run DMD test privately?

    In general you can be referred by your GP to a private hospital or facility for them to test for genetic issues, but I cannot find the cost, they will require an in-person visit, as well as have the blood drawn and perform the necessary testing.

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