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  • #129685
    puffy feet

    Iv noticed lately that my feet and ankles are quite puffy. My respiratory consultant also pointed it out last week.

    Could it be that I’m now using my power chair full time? Could it be lack of using my legs causing this?

    Posts: 23
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    Reply To: puffy feet

    It could to do with sitting more. I also find changes in weather makes my feet puff up. We had a really warm weekend a few weeks ago and straightaway affected my feet and cannot get shoes on as easily.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Reply To: puffy feet

    I have similar problems for similar reasons. the physio at the Neuromuscular Centre sugegsted I get more exercise. Ovbviously if you cannot walk it is a problem, so i bought a powered cycle type exerciser (Amazon this time). Used sitting down , pop your feet in the pedals and press the button to make it go. The motor moeves the pedals as though you were cycling yet you do not have to use your muscles to do it. It has been great for me to help keep the fluid down in my ankles and feet.
    I do have preipheral neuropathy too which gives me exceedingly warm feet. I always wear sandals and no socks, even in the snow. SO that does help my feet swell a llittle too.
    The machines are not cheap, £275 new. Mine was shop soiled for £75, which I found coincidentally whilst I was waiting to be seen at the Neuromuscular Centre. If you can try one it might be worth a go.


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
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    Reply To: puffy feet

    My feet are puffy even when cold. worst on work days when I am in chair all day and I forget to fidget them to keep em moving.

    I try to elevate as much as possible

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    Reply To: puffy feet

    When in your chair do your feet touch the floor? If so perhaps putting something like a golf ball underneath them would make you keep moving oyur feet. You might also find some massage balls with spikes on if the golf balls work. They would then most certainly get you to keep “fidgeting”. I bet as a kid you were told to sit still and stop fidgetting. How times change.
    Perhaps another thought is setting an alarm to go off every 30 mins or so to remind you. There might be one on your phone or a darkroom timer or kitchen timer would do the same. I know I am very guilty of forgetting to do things like thsat which help me.


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
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    Reply To: puffy feet

    Iv noticed lately that my feet and ankles are quite puffy. My respiratory consultant also pointed it out last week.

    Could it be that I’m now using my power chair full time? Could it be lack of using my legs causing this?

    I think your assumption is probably correct. However, I’m surprised that the consultant who pointed it out didn’t explain why or suggest you have an ECG to check out your heart rhythm.

    Can you try raising your legs from the knees a few times every hour? Maybe wearing compression socks would help stop the puffiness as they help force the blood back up the legs more efficiently.

    I do think if you are concerned you should just check it out with your GP.


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    Reply To: puffy feet

    Thanks for the replies, I’m going to get it checked out by my GP sometime this week. I think more exercise is the answer and I need to find something that suits me.

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    Reply To: puffy feet

    So glad I found this! I’ve always suffered from swollen feet and it started in 2000 when I had my scoliosis operated on and had to wear a spinal jacket and couldn’t move much. It’s got worse now as I can get around as easily and is also worse when I sit high up or stand for long periods. It’s always commented on by the hospital but nothing further and I’ve had ECGs and echos for normal check ups but nothing have ever been raised. I work in an office and have a vela tango chair so I can sit quite low but have no way to raise my legs high. I also have no where to really walk so do get up and down during the day when I can. I mention it to my doctor (who is useless) who tells me to take up dancing or walking….I struggle walking a few yards :lol: – due to my last consultant appointment being cancelled I’m not able to see my consultants team until May next year (agh!) – has anyone ever had any other tests or been suggested any medication? I have taken water tablets I the past for fluid retention but it’s a problem getting up and down from the loo so then I get even more physically tired (catch 22). I also do hydrotherapy once a week for half an hour (would love to go more but only time I can go and have to take time off of work to even go just once a week).

    I just want light, mobile feet and to wear dresses and nice shoes without feeling self conscious (currently at work with trousers on which are a bit short when I sit down and feeling mega self conscious)

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    Reply To: puffy feet


    I have gone round the houses with puffy feet for years. Had lots of dopler tests and always ok. I was on frusemide (water tablets) for a brief spell before I realised they made me feel ill and like you say increase need for loo trips. I tried compression socks but got bruised and battered during the daily fight as PAs tried to get them on.

    In the end, the only thing that has worked is regular massage and reflexology with particular attention on lymphatic system/drainage. I’ve managed to keep the swelling at bay. May not work for everyone but it has been great for me.

    I hope you find a solution for you.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Reply To: puffy feet

    Thank you. It got much worse yesterday and my Dad has ordered me a foot/leg massager which I’m hoping works. I spent the day drinking lots of water and elevating my legs yesterday and couldn’t move my ankles by the evening. Calling my hospital too just in case they can suggest anything or think I should get checked out again. Thanks

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    Reply To: puffy feet

    My feet feel like they are about to explode in this heat. Have had cool flannels over my right one which has helped a little. Hope you are not in too much discomfort and it eases soon.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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