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  • #75308
    Public Disabled Loos

    Hi All,

    It’s a long time since I have posted here (over 18 months apparently :() I hope everyone is well.

    I am going to jump straight in with a bit of a taboo subject… being public disabled toilets.

    Yesterday, probably my worst nightmare turned into a reality. I had to use a disabled toilet in a hospital and after I had finished I discovered I could not get off it. All the bars that were attached to the walls were not in the appropriate places for me to be able to push myself to my feet and I found I was too tired to pull myself up with the one bar that I may have been able to use. I called to my wife, who could not hear me through the door and was forced to pull the alarm chord to get help and she and a security guard had to come in and help me to my feet. I was, of course, mortally embarrassed as it is the first time this has ever happened and today I am very angry with myself for not being prepared for this happening as I have always been ‘on top’ of my MD until now.

    So what I need to be able to do is :

    1) Clean myself without having to stand from the toilet. I have had a look at some of these wipers on Amazon and most of them have very mixed reviews on their use and durability etc

    2) Get onto my chair without having to stand. My thoughts on this revolve around a folding stool that I can attach to the back of my chair. I cannot get up from the floor, but if I am kneeling on a stool ( which I would place in front of the toilet between me and the chair ) my bottom would be high enough to sit on the chair.


    How do you guys or girls that have difficulty getting up from public toilets cope ? I am hoping for some ideas from those have faced this problem for longer than I have… I need my independence whilst I can still have some :)


    Posts: 41
    Joined: 30/03/2012
    Re: Public Disabled Loos

    Hi Steve,

    Welcome back to the forum.

    Thanks for your query on a difficult to talk about subject.

    Will leave point two to other people who have more difficulties in that area. I use a simple standard
    toilet frame at home and move heaven and earth to get back home. Horrible to imagine your
    problems in this area and hope our expert peeps can help you.

    Sadly in item one I have become an expert and have been through most of the products in this awkward
    area of difficulty. The last two years I have settled on one product that I feel is far superior than than the
    others, the ” Buckingham Easywipe”, from Buckingham Healthcare. I am amazed as you point out this gets mixed reviews
    on Amazon. It does get splendid reviews too I notice. I can only assume these people try it only once and
    give up, like any product there is a learning curve. The main points are the superb lightweight design
    and the incredibly soft and giving hi tech material it is made from, so different from the hard metal
    and plastic ones. My hand and grip functions are my worst affected muscles but found that after a short
    Learning period this design is very excellent indeed.

    Had demonstration of Biobidet last month for home use. Was told there are portable versions, which I
    must look into. Good luck, hope you can make progress in this difficult area.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Public Disabled Loos

    Many thanks for your response TaungFox.

    I must admit that the Buckingham Easywipe is at the top of my list for items to try. The other contender was the Bottom Buddy ( Good grief… surely they could have come up with a less euphemistic name than that !! :bang: ) but at £80 and reports of the handle breaking it would certainly have been an expensive experiment.

    I was thinking twice about the Buckingham as the main criticism seemed to be that it does not hold toilet paper very well at all. But I then found a demonstration of it on YouTube and I could not really see what the problem could be other then the users not loading it properly.

    I will give the Buckingham a try first I think as I was heartened by one review in particular that the material it is made of holds the wet tissue type very well indeed and these will fit very nicely into my chair bag :)


    Posts: 41
    Joined: 30/03/2012
    Re: Public Disabled Loos

    @stevef wrote:

    Many thanks for your response TaungFox.
    I must admit that the Buckingham Easywipe is at the top of my list for items to try. The other contender was the Bottom Buddy ( Good grief… surely they could have come up with a less euphemistic name than that !! :bang: ) but at £80 and reports of the handle breaking it would certainly have been an expensive experiment
    I was thinking twice about the Buckingham as the main criticism seemed to be that it does not hold toilet paper very well at all. But I then found a demonstration of it on YouTube and I could not really see what the problem could be other then the users not loading it properly.
    I will give the Buckingham a try first I think as I was heartened by one review in particular that the material it is made of holds the wet tissue type very well indeed and these will fit very nicely into my chair bag :)Steve.

    Very good points Steve. Did not know there were YouTube videos of this. The German language one shows
    it very well, especially the quick release mechanism, which was the other criticism people made of it. Whatever
    your level of restriction and impairment you will come up with a method. The main thing is the design and
    incredibly soft but functional materials they use. Not too pleased with the other video of Phillip and Holly having a good
    laugh at people who use thus type of gadget.

    There is also a fold up portable version in a discreet carry case.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Public Disabled Loos

    @taungfox wrote:

    Not too pleased with the other video of Phillip and Holly having a good
    laugh at people who use thus type of gadget.

    I would not take the word of either of them on anything anyway in all fairness :lol:

    Posts: 41
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    Re: Public Disabled Loos

    with the help of “you tube” I studied videos of people in wheelchair transferring from chair to loo and back to chair. the most helpful was the vids with people with spinal cord injury as they fully explained step by step where to line things up and where and when to move legs. I aim to try a sliding board as I have found it hard to get from loo to chair if loos too low and floors can be slippy.

    another big issue is getting the door open and closed. and my pet hate is the placement of the baby change. I now it needs to be someplace and I used it myself when baby sitting but can people not fold it up after use.

    Posts: 1,002
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    Re: Public Disabled Loos

    Thanks Catatude, I will look those out :)

    Well, I ordered the Buckingham and it arrived on Saturday. I have to say I completely agree with Taungfox, wonderful invention and I have had no problems at all in using it.

    Posts: 41
    Joined: 30/03/2012
    Re: Public Disabled Loos

    @stevef wrote:

    Thanks Catatude, I will look those out :)
    Well, I ordered the Buckingham and it arrived on Saturday. I have to say I completely agree with Taungfox, wonderful invention and I have had no problems at all in using it.

    Glad it has worked out.

    Things do change though with progressive diseases, I find I had
    had to adapt it and the methods as time goes on, but of this type
    of gadget it is the best designed.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
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