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  • #148314
    Possible MD????

    Hello. I am writing because I have a nephew who is still very young so it could be due to his age but I am concerned of the possibility of him having a MD. He’s 16 months and has been walking for the past 4 months but he’s always tripping, even when their really isn’t anything to trip on. He also walks on his toes and exhibited this from a young age.He has an obvious Gate in his walk but other than that He seems pretty normal except he doesn’t say a lot and needs a lot of help going from sitting to standing and he has a bad temper. He can run but he trips up and gets out of breath fast. Should I be concerned ??? Please help :(
    A Very concerned loving aunt

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    Joined: 11/03/2017
    Reply To: Possible MD????

    Of course you should be concerned about any little one, but you should not worry just yet. MD can show itslef in many variations as can lots of other illnesses. SO the first thing to do is to get an expert opinion. Ask to have him referred to a paediatrician whose expert knowledge will define the problem, if any.You are of course aware that all children develop in different ways and at different rates, all of my seven children did, and that is aprt of the fun. But what you can do now is make some more detailed notes about what he does and how he does it. they will certainly help the consultant. You might also make enquiries within the families to discover if there is any history of a problem like MD as again that will help in his diagnosis if any.
    Please do come back and tell us what the outcome is, or if you want to know more. There are many people here who are more than willing to help and support you.


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
    Joined: 02/11/2015
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