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  • #75216
    Pillow lifts and turning systems

    hi. still bed shopping. had a few reps out and none of the prices matched the advertised web pages all had hidden charges. the dearest was centrobed costing about 8 grand. had a very nice man from a company called theraposture but theirs didnt roll you over but was a good comfy bed and mattress.

    looking for a cheaper option to make do till I can save enough or win the lottery to get the hi/low, fully profile bed with turning system and to be greedy the trendlburg movement as well.

    has any one every used a system to turn in bed called the TOTO. it works like the pillow lift and can go under mattress to roll one over. just wondering if its noising and if its good value for money. cost about £2000.

    I have emailed my OT to push again for the pillow lift as my basic archers profile bed is done.(missing wheel) and bangs and squeeks when lower pillow end. I cant turn much and can lie flat (reflux) but sitting up all night hurts tail bone so need to be able to adjust tilt angle on pillows.

    keep fingers crossed for that OT is willing to help with pillow lift. I had one many years ago from them.

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: Pillow lifts and turning systems

    OT is refusing pillow lift as she doesnt like it. says they chuck you forward and only work for heavy people.

    had demo of ToTo under mattress turning system. this shows promise. you can set timer to gently turn you all night. Had a really good nights sleep. you cant hear any noise from machine till you lie down and even then its a gentle hum. the vibration from the air fill is nice.

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: Pillow lifts and turning systems

    Sounding positive there :yes:

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