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  • #73405

    I have a weak neck too. Not new gradually got worse over two years.

    I lay on the sofa rather than sit, and hold or prop the head at every opportunity. I have five different neck pillows. At night I use a shaped orthopedic pillow and can only get to sleep on my back “like a mummy”. When I walk my head hangs down. I joke “Why has my head got heavier”?

    Interested to see if there is anyone with the with same symptoms.

    Maybe I just have a weak neck?

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    I too have neck problems and if I spend to long in the wrong position it can feel like I’m struggling to hold up a cannon ball rather than my head. If I can get my posture and balance right then my neck feels fine but it is a fine balance which is easily upset. I try to think ahead to avoid neck ache as it makes me tense up and then gives me an almighty headache. Days out and travelling are the times I suffer with it the most.

    The wheat bag is my best solution along with nurofen or failing that, lying down with various props to compensate for the angle that has caused the pain – my head tilts to my left but neck is rotated so my chin tilts to right if that makes sense? :?

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Ive also got the floppy neck thing. it was noticed at birth but it took them till I was about 8 to listen to my mother and look for a cause and find the MD. Ive always had some trouble holding my head when sitting, like yourself I use my arm to prop my head but this leads to terrible sore dry elbows, more so on the right hand side as my head/ neck tilts to the left.
    I have the added respiratory problem caused by the shape of my scolisos that means that I can never sit back comfy in a chair as I cant breath at that angle and this makes me very tired as all my muscles are constantly working to maintain posture till I am able to lie down and rest them.

    Also started having trouble keeping my head steady when someones doing my hair for me or at the hairdressers, I sort of have to hook my fingers behind my teeth to keep it from moving. :oops:

    Pillows – I got hundreds of the things :lol:
    I too use a shaped memory foam pillow and this gives me pretty good angle to maintain a good airway. On my first mega dear Tempar memory foam pillow I found I could only lie on my back too. but then I discovered that I was using the wrong size for my height and shoulder width. Now using a cheaper version thats a little lower and I am able to lie on my side as the height and shape is correct for my shoulder width.

    My latest pillow discovery are Cushties which are squishy pillow filled with tiny beads great when propping yourself up on the couch. I also use a V shaped nursing pillows one at my back and one wrapped around my waist to help hold my book, sewing, laptop or my cat etc :)

    thought it was just me that felt like this…

    take care

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    Me too. That was what led me to being diagnosed. Achy neck, not able to hold my head up properly. Perhaps thats why I was called fathead? :lol:

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    I have a floppy neck and lose my head if i have to lean forward or backwards to much. I suppose its like going past the centre of gravity, go to far and my head flops as neck can’t support the weight :?

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    Well, I’m certainly not alone with my weak neck then.

    As well as having problems with having to rest my head on everything, I find my natural head resting position seems to be slightly tipped back with my chin a little bit up in the air. When I look back at old photos I can see even ten years ago, I had this head position (which I think is because of my weak neck). I only got diagnosed in 2006, but there must have been very subtle signs before then.

    I think experimenting with different cushions is a good idea for me.

    I also think I need to invest in an office chair with a headrest. I have been reluctant to do this because I don’t want to go into new clients’ offices with my own special chair (I am a consultant and tend to do short term contracts in banks) and immediately advertise to everyone that there is something wrong with me. Please don’t think bad of me for saying that, I know many of you must have to deal with people labelling you and judging you because they see you with your mobility aids. I still feel very self conscious about how I will look and the fact that people might make judgements. I am going to have to get used to it though.

    I’m glad to read this thread and see that I am not alone.

    Posts: 71
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    @shona wrote:

    I also think I need to invest in an office chair with a headrest. I have been reluctant to do this because I don’t want to go into new clients’ offices with my own special chair (I am a consultant and tend to do short term contracts in banks) and immediately advertise to everyone that there is something wrong with me. Please don’t think bad of me for saying that, I know many of you must have to deal with people labelling you and judging you because they see you with your mobility aids. I still feel very self conscious about how I will look and the fact that people might make judgements. I am going to have to get used to it though.

    I’m glad to read this thread and see that I am not alone.

    After all these years I still at times get self conscious, people judge on first impressions, we are all guilty of it!

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    Please don’t think bad of me for saying that, I know many of you must have to deal with people labelling you and judging you

    its not always practicle to have your own chair at work. in previous jobs I desk shared so it was too hard to move the chair around or have to do the “please, can I have my chair” when someone elses butts on it. I have solved this problem recently by getting a power chair via the access to work. now my comfy chair goes with me around the office. no more struggling getting up from other peoples work stations or being moaned at for adjusting someone elses chair.

    I dont know about anyone else but its real hard when you first take a new adaptaion or aid to work. dont think people set out to be hurtful but some comments cut hard and are not funny when herd often. they think their quips are soo original. not.

    back to the neck thing. has any one noticed that their teeth/jaw line is different on the side they lean to most. I lean to the left with my head leaning on my fist or on my thumb with the open hand holding my chin. I have also found that I am waking up with numb fingers as my hand ends up under my face at night holding my jaw. weird eh..

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