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  • #73352
    Need Advice

    I need advices how we will get our money back from a person.
    My husband is doing glass concerning bussiness we start saving money for making our own house.which I would like to be a comfortable house for me but a person who deliever glass from a factory to my husband run away by taking our money he was working with my husband from 5 to6 months so he trust on him,now we know his address his mobile is open we can talk him but he will not ready to return money and in our country we will do nothing against him no one can help us it is my husband fault why he has given him money now we have to pay it.My husband had given him not only our saving but also more money of other shopkeepers too so we have to pay them also now he is working very hard and when give his glasses to the shops his 25% price cuts and so we get less payment and have to manage in it ,this is happening form last two months I don’t know what will happen next how can we go through it what will happen to studies of my daughter.It is appro.yours 2,500 pounds we have to pay to others.We intead of making a comfortable house got in another trouble Pray for us we will get through it.And also give me advice how can we get our money back from him.

    Posts: 11
    Joined: 17/10/2010
    Re: Need Advice

    Hello Fizamama.
    I am afraid i can’t offer you any advice regarding your finances, you will need to seek face to face advice from your local CAB or perhaps from a solicitor.

    If the amount in question is under £5000 you could try the Small Claims Court.

    Not sure i can add much more, hope someone else is better able to help you.


    Posts: 747
    Joined: 05/09/2010
    Re: Need Advice

    Am i understanding your correctly?

    Your husband runs a glass business and the factory who was supplying his shop with glass has taken money from your husband but not delivered glass to him in return?

    If that is the case you could take the matter to the Small Claims court as Ranald suggests (See

    However, if the factory have financial difficulties and are going into administration (out of business) then your husband becomes a creditor (someone owed money). Any assets of the company (factory premises, machinery,money etc) would then be subdivided by the company administrators fairly between all creditors which might mean your husband gets only some of his money back. Though i believe your husband may have to approach the administrators to state his claim.

    So you need to find out the status of the factory really as making a Small claims court claim is pointless if the factory is going out of business. One way you could do this is to ask Companies House ( to find out what you can about the factory and if they are going into administration whom the adminstrators are. There is an online search facility to see the status of a company on that website which may help.

    I would advise getting proper legal advice though. As this is a business matter i would suggest your husband contact the bank he has his business account with. Alternatively you could ask advice at your local Business Link (see

    I’m not a legal expert but i hope that helps and gives you somewhere to start.

    Posts: 22
    Joined: 24/09/2010
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