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  • #75115
    My MRI experience

    Yesterday I went for an MRI scan, here’s how it went…

    After a smooth two hour journey we got to Guys about 40 mins before my allotted scan time. I had to fill out a consent and declaration form which checks things like whether you have a pacemaker, do you have glaucoma and do you have any metal inside you. As I was having a uterine scan I also has to say if I had been injected with the dye before and whether I had any reaction.

    While we were waiting I took all my jewellery off and as I’d read the info that came with my appointment letter I wore an elasticated skirt (no zips) and a jumper so didnt have to put on a robe (phew!).

    I was asked to move through to the MRI area and there was a team waiting for me to figure out how best to handle me. My PA fixed the extra long tubing to my ventilator, i adjusted the pressure setting to allow for this.The hoist was there – yippee – so once on the trolley, my carer whipped off my callipers (KAFOs) and a couple of ladies set about making me comfy and put the canunula in my hand for the dye to be injected during the scan. It was suggested that my PA come in the room with the scanner in case I needed help, she agreed to this and had to take off jewellery etc too.

    A bit of a wait for the previous person to come out and I was wheeled in on a trolley to scanning room with the ventilator and battery pack being left outside the room. I was transferred to the scanner bed by a team of 4 people, 2 on either side, who rolled me onto a transfer board and slid me over. I felt the bed was a harder surface than I am used to so I had my own pillow for head and shoulders and a curved wedge under my knees to take a bit of the strain – cannot lie with legs flat as hips and knee contractures. Also had a blanket under my heels because they are known pressure areas for me. I was given a buzzer to squeeze should I be in distress, headphones for some music to make it more pleasant and then a plate was put over my middle.

    The scan: the bed moved in to the scanner tunnel although not as far as I’d been before but then that was a brain scan. Then I had half an hour of lying still apart from the natural movement of the ventilator tube, with Elton John, Phil Collins et al. failing miserably at trying to drown out the loud whurring, clanging and banging. One noise reminded me if the Simon Says handheld game when you went wrong and another a fruit machine – funny the things you focus on. Towards the end I was asked to hold my breath however the ventilator forces me to breathe. I mentioned this afterwards and the nurse didnt think it would affect the images a great deal.

    A few things I would suggest for anyone having an MRI:

    Beforehand, request hoist and mention about ventilator if needed.

    Arrange longer tubing from your own hospital’s respiratory technicians – mine was 7.5 metres in length.

    Take anything that will help to get comfortable for example, pillow, supports.

    Don’t wear anything with a zip or any metal then you don’t have to get undressed.

    Blow your nose, clear throat if you can before you go in the scanner as I had a build up which made breathing a bit tricky.

    Take your own CDs with you if you have an adverse reaction to easy listening music!!

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: My MRI experience

    You did well, Sarah, to ensure you made it as comfy and easy as possible for yourself. Well done! A bit of forward thinking goes a long way to alleviating stress and chaos and it paid off for you. I hope the scan proves to be helpful and you’ll soon get the result.

    Posts: 383
    Joined: 07/02/2012
    Re: My MRI experience

    I remember when I had my first MRI. I had moterhead playing. :bang:


    Posts: 526
    Joined: 04/10/2011
    Re: My MRI experience

    Oh I say bravo — I was ready for the post to be a tail of woe and disappointment but no, it seemed all the bells and whistled worked, everyone got the memo and they were prepared!!

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: My MRI experience

    What great tips and good sense to overcome the enormous palaver of the
    horrible MRI. Glad you were able to think ahead and minimise the stress
    and difficulties.

    Just love the irony of how they say to people with muscle disease, “Now stay perfectly motionless
    for forty minutes”.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: My MRI experience

    @amgmod wrote:

    Oh I say bravo — I was ready for the post to be a tail of woe and disappointment but no, it seemed all the bells and whistled worked, everyone got the memo and they were prepared!!

    I have to say the staff were brilliant! When I went for a bone scan a few years ago, no one had been told of my issues and I never got the scan – what a different experience this was. Hope the images are clear so they can decide how best to sort my predicament.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
    Joined: 05/03/2015
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