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  • #74228

    :o rant coming up…apologies!

    My son has Duchenne, ASPERGERS AND ADHD…. Nightmare combo!

    just had a meeting with local physio, specialist teacher advisor for PD, LSA and OT about PE.

    PE session they said is fine for Joe he accessed everything and enjoyed it…..yet failed to see how chasing games played at the end, which we witnessed, we’re dangerous for Joe. He was pushed forcefully on to one mat by an over excited child and then another child was stood there with his hands on his back ready to push Joe forward again when he ran off the mat. Lots of kids running at each other. We got huffed at and told if we have a problem with that then to take it up with GOSH. LSA said chasing games in PE would then have a knock of effect in the play ground which we have told the school on more than one occasion that chasing games in the play ground were to be avoided, as he always falls and has compression in his back… even letters from the muscle nurse at GOSH have said avoid them at this stage of Joe’s progression. We also told them that Joe doesn’t understand the danger, which is why he needs an adult to steer him in the right direction. I am yet again angry by the lack of knowledge here. Mainstream is doing joe more harm than good physically, don’t get me started on how he emotionally. They dont seem to get that if he carrys on doing stuff like this then he wont be doing it for much longer….he is a fracture waiting to happen, he is nrly 10, on daily steroids, has low bone density and low v d levels, walks on his tip toes and can be knocked over with a feather. I just don’t understand how they think watching joe be pushed and running at risk, is acceptable!

    Posts: 34
    Joined: 01/02/2012

    Hmm … my cynnical brain is at work … if someone stated to the school, that as they have been made aware in writing that Joe must avoid these chasing games, therefore if anything were to occur that injured him [not that any of us want that to happen] that the school would be ‘failing in its duty of care’, and thus leave themselves open to legal action. Plus if the media heard, it would be a nightmare for the schools reputation.

    Sometimes the only way to get hurt is if you threatentheir pocket or PR status.

    My cynicism is that it takes these kinds of things to make organisations aware, when it should not and does not need to be that way.

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    Excellent point! Off to dig out the letters! We are desperately fighting the LEA trying to get him in to a specialist school and it would appear everyone …local OT, physio, teachers head, ed psych have closed ranks! Thanks for replying :)

    Posts: 34
    Joined: 01/02/2012

    I totally understand where you’re coming from. My son is 9 years old and has Duchenne. He doesn’t have 1:1 support yet, we are going through the process of getting him a statement. He is a sensitve boy and every day he has a worry about something, which is understandable. It’s not just the PE he doesn’t like but the hassle of getting undressed and dressed again. Of course we help him at home but he has to ‘ask’ for help at school. Not being mature for his age and not wanting to ask, he struggles on and complains to me when I pick him up, which of course I then have to moan to the teacher (again). Sometimes he avoids PE altogether and they have a TA to read with him or something, which is ideal but not consistent. It will be much better for him when he gets full-time support, which incidentally the SENCO tells me ‘ you can’t get a statement on physical needs alone’ which I think is a load of crap. What about when he is confined to a wheelchair? Anyway, he is behind in his school work compared to his peers, so hopefully he will get a statement for when he starts year 5 this year.

    Posts: 3
    Joined: 07/03/2012

    Hi Trudi

    I think that is rubbish about statements as well. I had an SEN statement on physical needs alone. It is a big bug near of mine at the moment, that people don’t know what they’re talking about. My Mum is an Assistant SENCO, I will check with her.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

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