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  • #179128
    Life of a Stairlift

    My stairlift has been around for many years. I do not rent it, so if it breaks down its my problem. The ‘maintenance contracts’ I have seen are exorbitant, so my thought was how long should these things last before major repairs or replacements? I really would appreciate everyone else’s thoughts.


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
    Joined: 02/11/2015
    Reply To: Life of a Stairlift

    Many years ago I bought a second hand stairlift to use at my sisters. I got the number of one of my council contracted workers who kindly serviced this one and replaced the batteries when needed.

    Suppose you have to ask yourself.

    how old is it? if its getting on in years can they get parts?
    could you afford a new one?
    is it hard wired or battery?

    the batteries do need replacing every few years once lift over 6-8 years. It is possible to change yourself we got an electrician to change once.

    Ask what they include in yearly service. The tech from council. cleans it. oils a part and runs it up and down few times. hes in average 30 min.

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Reply To: Life of a Stairlift

    Thank you for those thoughts Cat. I bought the lift new about six years ago, and it does get used a lot. It is one of the popular makes which seem to be sold under lots of different names. I had a few things done under warranty but that of course ran out a couple of years ago. Their service contract of £25 a month I felt was exorbitant, so it has been left o its own devices. I have no help whatsoever from the local council, so if I encounter a problem I( will have to call the local independent people to come out. I could probably change the batteries myself, just, as I have recently replaced those on my scooter which saved me over £150, but that is now. Next year as you will appreciate is a different story. Despite my local council thinking I am too rich for help, I am a pensioner with not other income than my pension, so I need to keep this going as going as possible.
    Out of interest is the second hand one still going?


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
    Joined: 02/11/2015
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