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  • #74292
    Joe is being EXCLUDED from a field trip :-(

    Got a scribbled note from his class teacher on monday requesting I take Joe and pick him up from a field trip this Wednesday.   I am out all day on Wednesday at meetings so they then requested my mum did it! She has enough on her plate and is having to look after my 2yr old as well, playschool runs etc. ….and all because they haven’t booked an accessible coach/taxi. 

    I have lost count on how many times we have told them to book accessible coaches and the last time was infront of the “specialist “teacher advisor for physical disabilities and local physio. They said they would look in to it but quite clearly they haven’t and the school haven’t thought of Joe at all. Joe should be allowed to travel on the coach with the rest of his class as its all part of the experience. The very least the school has to do is make reasonable adjustments.

    Hubby sent an email to school last night saying that we do not consent for Joe to go on a standard coach as he can’t get on it and that an accessible coach or taxi needs to be booked. After ignoring our emails for most the day, they came back to us and said they couldn’t get an accessible coach or taxi so he would have to stay at school with his LSA. Well I hope he creates merry hell for them! 

    I am beyond disgusted, they knew about this trip for approx 2 months yet failed to let us know. They have been told for atleast 2 years that accessible transport is needed. They said that as he got on the coach in Dec for a theatre trip (I will add here he REALLY struggled and as he has lost 25% of his strength in the past 6 months, a standard coach is a huge no no) then they ASSUMED he’d be able to do it this time. Stewart told them that was their first mistake to assume anything. He is deteriorating so you can’t assume anything. 

    I am so angry. Letters being written to everyone I can think of as this is DIRECT DISCRIMINATION.

    Posts: 34
    Joined: 01/02/2012
    Re: Joe is being EXCLUDED from a field trip :-(

    Just told joe and he is now in mass meltdown, sobbing. I feel so awful and bad for him. :cry:

    Posts: 34
    Joined: 01/02/2012
    Re: Joe is being EXCLUDED from a field trip :-(

    I’m really sorry to here this. Its no fun being left behind.

    Have you thought of going to the press with this maybe a local paper or better yet your local MP

    Posts: 1,015
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Joe is being EXCLUDED from a field trip :-(

    I’d love to go to the press because this is isnt the first time they have discriminated, but I also want to protect joe. I feel caught between a rock and a hard place. Maybe we should let the school win and my mum should just take him, but what example is that setting? Mum is 67, not exactly full of beans herself and also has to deal with my daughter. God, I feel horrendous over all of this, seeing him sobbing tonight broke my heart all over again, he kept saying he hated his stupid legs and his stupid body, and why was he born like this, all the while hitting himself in the legs and stomach :cry:

    Posts: 34
    Joined: 01/02/2012
    Re: Joe is being EXCLUDED from a field trip :-(

    This isn’t an acceptable way to treat your son. Is anyone at the school/education authority putting Joe’s needs and emotional well being first? I don’t know what to say apart from keep pushing them. Have you though about getting the MDC involved?

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Joe is being EXCLUDED from a field trip :-(

    Your MP is the best person to put pressure on the school from the outside, they dont like it when an outside party gets involved and they are liable to be brought up on discrimination charges if they deem discrimination has taken place (obviously it has with your several emails/talks etc saying Joe needs access). It cant hurt to get your LEA involved too as he should be reassessed every year like I was – my physio, OT, teaching assistant and parents would meet with the teacher who’s job it is to make sure the adjustments needed are in place. I’d also get a letters from Joe’s physio, neurologist and any other medical person explaining his condition so you have sort of ‘expert’ backup if the MP/LEA need help understanding.

    The bottom line is you dont scare the school, you’re just parents making noise. It’s pathetic that they think like this. Oh, and keep EVERYTHING they send you and ask for anything they tell you in writing.

    What about second breakfast?


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