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  • #74403
    Inspire Project: Mentor project

    Hello all,

    I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you all about the muscular dystrophy campaign’s exciting new mentoring project!

    The Inspire Project aims to guide young people with neuromuscular conditions through transitional stages with the aid of a mentor who can inspire and motivate. The project would give young people the opportunity to have contact details of mentors who can offer advice and guidance on a variety of transition issues including but not limited to higher education, employment, moving house as well as offer friendship and support.

    The Inspire Project will try to match up individuals who shares similar interests, hopes and dreams; and likes. So for example if your child love Information Technology and wish to pursue a career in it we can try and match them with someone who is working in Information Technology, or if they love food we’ll put them with someone who loves food, if they’re a Liverpool FC fan we’ll make sure to match them with a Manchester United fan-just kidding!

    If you feel like you have a child who would love to inspire others, or are looking for a little inspiration, we would love to here from you! We are looking for mentors 18 and over, and children aged from 11 to be mentored.

    If you would like to find out more ask away!

    Posts: 32
    Joined: 09/01/2012
    Re: Inspire Project: Mentor project

    This is such a brilliant idea. If only something like this had been available when I was diagnosed aged 16.

    I hope it proves helpful.


    Posts: 383
    Joined: 07/02/2012
    Re: Inspire Project: Mentor project

    I think this is a brilliant idea. My son is often upset that he is the only child not ‘normal’ at his school. No matter how much I explain no-one is normal and show him all about other children who need wheelchairs etc. it would be so much better coming from another child who has been there, done that.

    Unfortunately, my son is only 10 in August but we would be interested in a years time. Shame it isn’t set up for the transition between primary and secondary schools!


    Posts: 10
    Joined: 13/03/2012
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