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  • #73363
    Incapacity Benefit and Me

    Earnestly, I would relish employment as a prelude to financial independence, but much to my chagrin my health is relatively poor and there’s no consistency. If I had the energy I would gladly get a menial job because it would give me something to do and give me an income and coupled with DLA , disability tax credits a decent standard of living. I could do the aforementioned menial job until something opened up in my field of interest.

    What I find frustrating and soul destroying to some extent is that the only reason I’m in this financially bleak position is because I’m disabled. If I was able bodied I would have done what any working class lad does and join either the police force, armed services or get myself a trade such as joiner, builder etc

    I assure you I take no pleasure in languishing on incapacity benefit, but regrettably I have no choice in the matter. Due to the nature and severity of my neuromuscular condition, although I have the desire to work I lack the stamina to do a 9-5 5 days a week. I’m not from a feckless family; my Da was a Police Officer and my mother a social worker and a strong work ethic was instilled from day one. With the aforementioned in mind I find it really egregious that I cannot find or would be capable of long term suitable employment. I’m not malinger, as the media portrays those on IB.

    However, this putrid neuromuscular condition which I have grown to despise with every fibre of my being has rendered me incapable of leading some aspects a normal life e.g. work. Although, I am ambulatory (lucky in that respect) I fatigue extremely easily I don’t think anyone realises how tiring it actually is for someone with MD just to walk up a flight of stairs. I have marked scoliosis which affects my balance and mobility. My FVC is like 35% and I have dilated cardiomyopathy to make matters worse.

    The abovementioned is just my personal perspective/situation and I have a feeling I’m not alone.

    Has anyone else encountered similar trials and tribulations?

    Posts: 24
    Joined: 29/11/2010
    Re: Incapacity Benefit and Me

    Hi Mark,

    I so identify. I am on Incap and DLA, I used to work full time in quite stressful high ranking jobs. With my last employer [coincidentally the Department of Work[houses] & Pensions] I was able to go to 30 hours a week, with the tax credit my living standard was comfortable provided I kept an eye on it.

    Then the temperamental nature of my MD kicked in, the office was being refurbed and ever desk change brought about new problems, change of chair causing back issues, I would be at work then a couple of days after a change off work with back ache, muscle cramps, bone fatigue. My sickness record went down the pan and never recovered. When my record was looked over, dismissing the MD muscle related time off, I was not off, but there was nothing they could do.

    Regardless whether it is a small company, megga international corporation, government agency, they employ someone to do a job, to complete set work within a set time with set allowances for holidays and illness, I could no longer guarantee to be available and able to do my desk based job – so I was medically retired.

    The unknown nature of these new proposals are frightening to someone who has no back-up plan. Sadly I am not alone.

    Thanks for posting your comment Mark, we welcome all views and prospectives here :)

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
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