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  • #77032
    Re: How people perceive disability benefits

    hmmm, my first thought it ‘consider the source’ the Daily Mail rep is not the most unbiased of the biased newspapers.

    I read the article, and something pinged in my addled brain, it was a piece of regulation about applying for any benefits. Anyone in any circumstances is entitled to complete an application to any benefit and receive a defined decision upon that application. Theoretically a guy could claim for maternity benefit and receive a reply stating he was unable to get it because he was not pregnant BUT statistically that it a failed application [as in applicant did not meet the criteria to receive that benefit].

    As ever, there are lies, damned lies and statistics :roll:

    Those who go in front of Atos-hired doctors are tested on how far they can walk, how long they can sit and whether they can bend and touch their knees. They also have to show whether they can hold a pen or pencil and do up a button. Those who can do basic physical tasks are tested for their communication skills and whether they can cope with change. People who are found to be sick are then put into three groups: those who need permanent support, those who might be able to work after a few months and those who are fit to work.

    These types of questions have little to no bearing on the range of motion and strength required to partake in “limited work related activity”

    Several of the comments after the article raise interesting points.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: How people perceive disability benefits

    Oh I’ve been that hole in the crowd too!

    Sometime’s it’s worth it when you see the look on their faces.

    This is the third time in my life that I’ve had to use a wheelchair for any length of time and I’m a bit saddened that people’s attitudes on the whole have not really changed. On the plus side I must say that I have had experiences of some people being very helpful and friendly too, they just seem to be in the minority!

    Posts: 283
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    Re: How people perceive disability benefits

    I’m avoiding newspaper and anything related to the benefit story. I get too angry when I read articles like that one. All the media is doung is lumping everyone together, perhaps if they spent a day my shoes or even a week their articles would be different

    Posts: 1,015
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    Re: How people perceive disability benefits

    @tygertyger wrote:

    Oh I’ve been that hole in the crowd too!

    hey.. my mum jokes that when I drive, even my car becomes but when I use my scooter the kids gowk and the the old deers glare at me as if av nicked me grannies wheels.

    I was a a ENT hosptial appointment this week to get me tonsils looked at and 3 things happened to bug me.
    1 the ancient ENT doc after reading my file thats about 15″ thick takes one look at me in my chair and turns to my mother and asked cant she walk. mmm
    2 on the way out we had a stop at the loo, leaves the scooter outside due to the disabled loo being cleverly wedge behind a revolving door. came out to find this old deer sitting in my scooter trying to free wheel it away with her feet.
    and number 3 was reversing out the lift and this smarty pants starts clapping and goes to my mum didn’t she do well. :evil:

    I really need a canine partner with patronizing git attack mode.

    Posts: 1,002
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    Re: How people perceive disability benefits

    What did the old deer say when yu caught her trying to nick it?

    Posts: 1,015
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    Re: How people perceive disability benefits

    @vicki wrote:

    What did the old deer say when yu caught her trying to nick it?

    she said “ive got one just like it”

    I’m sure shes got a few, the old hijacker…

    Posts: 1,002
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    Re: How people perceive disability benefits

    she said “ive got one just like it”

    I’m sure shes got a few, the old hijacker…

    I bet she has …… :lol:

    Posts: 1,015
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    Re: How people perceive disability benefits

    @catatude wrote:

    I really need a canine partner with patronizing git attack mode.

    Oww I’d like one of those too.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
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