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  • #74433
    help please regarding accessibility

    Hi again
    Having relented on our choice of preschools and agreed for our 3 yr old in a power wheelchair to go to a more accessible enviroment in an alternative preschool (in order to pick our battles and this wasnt one of them!).

    We have recieved a call from the SEN team at the local authority questioning our choice of primary school!! Jacobs older brother and sister attend it (therefore obvious choice) he already knows a number of children and teachers, its in our catchment etc. etc.

    They want to organise a prelimary meeting at the school with physio, OT and building control to see if it is ‘feasible’ or indeed ‘appropriatte’ for him to attend and whether another local school in the area which is already accessible would be ‘more appropriatte!’ I thought we could choose and the law was on our side – or am I just very naive.
    If nothing else it would be impossible for him to attend anywhere else due to the logistics of being in two places at once –
    He already misses half an hour of preschool every morning due to me dropping off his siblings and then crossing town to get him into an ‘accessible preschool’. This surely cant happen when he starts school.
    Has anyone else had this issue?
    Sorry rant over

    Posts: 10
    Joined: 05/05/2011
    Re: help please regarding accessibility

    Hi there Woodstock,

    We have recently had this discussion ourselves, except for secondary school.

    We were told that each area has to have a fully adapted school. In our case our son’s catchment school is only partially accessible but another school in town is fully. We have been ‘advised’ to choose the fully adapted school as his catchment one does not have to adapt to his needs re access, as there is already an accessible school in town. If this makes sense, well done because I am confusing myself reading it!

    I asked about choice of school as he will, hopefully, have a statement (in nightmare process at the moment!) which usually means it is our choice. This apparently does not cover access rights as our LEA has adapted a school already.

    Luckily, we are perfectly happy to send our son to the adapted school as it is a good one as well but now we have just been told they can refuse us as they are now an academy! IMO it is all a minefield!

    Sorry that I can’t help any more than that

    Posts: 10
    Joined: 13/03/2012
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