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  • #153652
    GP Appointment

    My number four daughter was very ill during the night and accordingly rang the GP after hours service. They were closed. 111 was next and they told her she should ring her GP in the morning. After over 100 attempts to get through she was told by the receptionist that she was sick and could not be given an appointment in case someone else caught whatever she might have.
    Don’t you just love it???

    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
    Joined: 02/11/2015
    Reply To: GP Appointment

    Four bairns? You not got a telly in your house or something? ;-)

    Posts: 747
    Joined: 05/09/2010
    Reply To: GP Appointment

    I sometimes think gp receptionists have too much say in wether we get an appointment or not the least they can do is offer a phone consultation after all how much medical knowledge do they have.

    Crazy cat
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    Joined: 27/01/2019
    Reply To: GP Appointment

    Sorry for the delay in replying I have only just found your reply. I actually have seven children. Not quite sure what happened but it seemed to stop when we got Sky. Given up Sky now, but I do not think any more kids are on the horizon. We have nine grandchildren to keep us amused!

    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
    Joined: 02/11/2015
    Reply To: GP Appointment

    I have just found your reply so please excuse my replying. Not only do we have to face the barrier of receptionists thinking they are doctors, but now the additional barriers of pharmacists who think they are well ….. doctors too. I was in clinical practice for over thirty years and thus have a reasonable knowledge of what goes on with my body. Sadly both groups seem to ignore that knowledge and treat me as someone who has never attained more than primary school education. What makes it worse is that none of them have a knowledge of my condition (FHSD) and thus cannot often understand why I seek help.


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
    Joined: 02/11/2015
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