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  • #73756
    Fire Safety Clown….

    After yesterdays visit from the Fire Safety Officer, I
    felt like a complete idiot.

    I was so far away from the point and so ignorant on
    fire safety issues.

    Now I feel so much totally safer with a sense of calm
    and relief that I am not now in the danger that I was.

    I was so proud of my plan to go charging into the fire with
    ten wet towels. Stupid ! Wrong ! Aside from heat and burn
    issues, if you get in the smoke you can be unconscious in
    two seconds. Correct method. Get Out or…Shut doors, get low to ground,
    open window, do not jump out. Call 999. Fire Service will guarantee
    to be with you within five minutes. Behind a door fire spread
    will be delayed by 20 minutes. Problem solved.

    My three main doors just could not be shut due to clutter. Your
    normal door is your 20 minute fire door. Keep it clear.

    25 year old fire extinguishers and fire blankets are useless. Wrongly
    sited smoke alarms are bad. You will be overloading your sockets.
    I did not need 15 clocks, 3 TV’s, 4 computers, numerous chargers,
    videos, dvd’, pvr, sky, 3 stereos all in one room. You do have
    enough sockets.

    Scalded myself with Hot Chocolate few months ago. Could not believe
    pain. Why would you or I want to be the star of the next A & E TV


    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
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