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  • #73267
    Fingers little Fingers

    Over the last few years my fingers have completely “siezed up”. It started in the two “little fingers” . They are now lifeless, useless, jutting out at weird angles, not feeling part of my body. Looking back, all my life the two little fingers have stuck out and and over forty odd years have been burned, caught in doors, jarred and generally a nuisance. Was this a precursor years before my condition developed. Have other people had similar problems?

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Fingers little Fingers

    My fingers also jutt out at weird angles. On my left hand I can only move my index finger and thumb freely, the others are pretty much stuck. The loss of dexterity crept up on me and I am sure that the free moving digits are so because I use them to hold my bipap ventilator tube in place and it stretches them out. My other hand is a completely different story – my wrist has bent over (due to inactivity when I was in intensive care for 5 days – incredible it took such a few days to seize up)but I can stretch out all my fingers on this hand, I am right-handed so I imagine it is related to function??

    My fingers are fascinating because they are double jointed, it used to be my party piece at school to make them bend in odd ways and make everyone feel a bit ill at the sight of them :lol: When I was crawling my fingers were stretched outwards on the floor rather than in a fist, I can still bend them backwards so they are flexible in some places but on the left hand they are stuck at the big knuckle. They bug the hell out of me sometimes, when I find I can’t do something like grip a mug or open a container but on the whole I just muddle on and find other ways to achieve my goals.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Fingers little Fingers

    This is very interesting. just like you, my saving grace is the freemoving and unaffected thumb. Being primates we have opposable thumbs that are jointed completely separately. After eleven years of the problem in my left (dominant) hand, the last 18 months it has spread to the right hand and now there are two “bad hands”. Only now do I realise how much for years I was simply “favouring” the good hand. The tip I pass on is that it was so important to keep up the physiotheraphy on my bad hand rather than just favour the good one. Nice Physio was right I was wrong.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Fingers little Fingers

    “They bug the Hell out of me”. That is so true, when there is multiple droppings of cups and plates in a short space of time that is the most upsetting thing there is. To suddenly tip your plate of lunch on the carpet is soul destroying. Having said this a revisit from the O.T. has solved a lot of problems with food trolleys, tipper kettles and these new “one touch” can openers. Also the new thick handled “Rocker Knife” is a revelation where you can cut without any pressure by simply rocking the knife (OXO Brand).

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Fingers little Fingers

    My fingers are not siezed or fixed they just won’t flatten. When I go to wave at someone I look like I am shaking my fist. I also have to wear a wrist support to work on any stitching and I type by hanging my thumbs down over the keboard and tapping away.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Fingers little Fingers

    I can just about hold a pen with mine! They are not fixed or siezed either, I do card making to give them exercise (its a bonus I enjoy it too)

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    Re: Fingers little Fingers

    I can write and draw, I value these abilities very much. I get a lot of satisfaction from creating things. I have thinking a lot over recent days about what I value being able to do the most. I used to play with my younger sister on the playsttation but now I would have difficulty holding and operating the controller – however for me this is not really an issue as I am not into gaming. For someone else, this might be a function they would value?? It is on my mind as I have been asked to consider it by a working group of doctors and researchers attending a conference next week.

    Another thing I am persevering with is cutting and filing my own nails. I am not sure why but I like to be able to do this myself although it takes about 15 minutes to cut the nails each hand and involves holding the scissors and hands at odd angles. One day I’ll end up doing myself and injury :roll: but for now I will carry on because it is important to me. Others will value other things and I know with the best will and bloodymindedness in the world, some things are beyond my control.

    Enough of my ramblings…

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Fingers little Fingers

    @sar78 wrote:

    but for now I will carry on because it is important to me.

    That’s the best reason to carry on.

    @sar78 wrote:

    ….. I know with the best will and bloodymindedness in the world, some things are beyond my control.

    bloodymindedness … us …. surely you jest :lol:

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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    Re: Fingers little Fingers

    Nail-cutting is certainly an issue. The Falls Prevention Service have given me the numbers of several Chiropodists etc. I am as a matter of pride going to put off contacting them as long as possible. You are right about the weird and odd angles and the enormity of the job of cutting a few nails. Just counted in my Nail Scissors Box, 17 different pairs of scissors, clippers etc. Long handles, curved blades. I use different ones for diferent nails, some are good for different angles or ones that I can hold and operate with different sets of fingers. Is there a website on the science of nail cutting? Every small clue would be a big bonus.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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