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  • #74936
    Facing homelessness

    My private landlord had decided to end my tenancy agreement suddenly and served me a section 21 due to a change in her circumstances and gave me 2 months notice. I’m suppose to be out by 5th August. My nearly 4 year old has duchennes, hypermobility and global developmental delay (He’s about 2 years behind in his development.) I contacted my local care advisor straight away and she did an urgent referral to my local authority but was only placed in band B and won’t be deemed as becoming homeless until the landlord has gone to court and been awarded possession of the house. I was told to just not leave the property by the council but I’ll have to pay back court costs. I’ll then be put in temporary accommodation (“B&B”) How is that right? My son can’t walk outside so requires a wheelchair and needs constant assistance to get around the house and falls several times a day. Stairs are impossible for him. Surely they can’t put us in a B&B? It’ll have to be wheelchair accessible for one? The whole uncertainty is making me feel unwell and quite depressed considering I’m still coming to terms with my son’s diagnosis as well.

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    Re: Facing homelessness

    Hi, I think you may need to get some other people involved. I would contact your MP about this, in fact anyone you can think of that could add weight to you and your son’s case and the stress and potential upheaval is not good for either of you. The MDC’s advocacy service may be able to help you, they are very good at liaising with agencies on your behalf. Take care and come back to us any time.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
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    Re: Facing homelessness

    The number for the advocacy service is 020 7803 4800.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
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    Re: Facing homelessness

    Sorry you have this horrible situation.

    I have just spoken to my cousin who is one of the worst of the “buy to let” landlords, but this week
    he needs me to do him a favour so is on our side.

    It seems your landlord knows his stuff and the Section 21 notice is the legal entity that tenants are least
    able to fight successfully. If it was a section 8, you could promise to turn your stereo down or mend your ways and the
    judge would let you stay in your tenancy. A section 21 is purely about the timing on your short term tenancy. There
    is nothing to fight, judges almost always have no choice but to hand the property back to the landlord.

    The best you can do is stay there and he says it will take six to eight weeks for the case to come to court
    and the judge will usually give two months after that for you to vacate.

    However, all this only applies if the Landlord has acted legally in all respects. My cousin says there
    have been panicked meetings recently at Landlords Associations and the biggest way people
    are getting out of Section 21 notices is because the Landlords have behaved illegally on tenant
    deposits. About five years ago it became the law that all deposits had to be held in the
    neutral Tenancy Deposit Guarantee Scheme. But very large numbers of Landlords just ignore this, mainly because
    as we all know to our cost Landlords look on deposits as another source of income and simply
    invent things when you come to reclaim your deposit back. Therefore it
    might be worth your while finding out if things have been done legally and correctly in your case,
    because if they have not the judge is on your side.

    Here is the details of the Deposit Protection Schemes :-

    Sorry you are in such a stressful period.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Facing homelessness

    My deposit is protected. It’s all done through a letting agent. I had said my son was disabled and he would need a ramp only a month before the section 21 was served on me so I have my suspicions that she didn’t want to get that done but obviously there is no way to prove it. I forgot to add that I can’t rent privately due to not having a guarantor (My mother is on a 0 hour contract) and no-one else earns enough, owns a house or has good credit. I have always paid my rent so it was nothing that I did. I have sent a message to my local MP and also to the advocacy service. Just hope something is done in time.

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    Re: Facing homelessness

    Sadly landlords are becoming more and more clued up on the things they do.

    Let’s hope you can get the very best advice.

    At least your situation will get you larger amounts of priority when bidding for
    social housing and there at least more minimum standards will apply to the quality
    of your housing.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Facing homelessness

    @xutterchaosx wrote:

    My deposit is protected. It’s all done through a letting agent. I had said my son was disabled and he would need a ramp only a month before the section 21 was served on me so I have my suspicions that she didn’t want to get that done but obviously there is no way to prove it. I forgot to add that I can’t rent privately due to not having a guarantor (My mother is on a 0 hour contract) and no-one else earns enough, owns a house or has good credit. I have always paid my rent so it was nothing that I did. I have sent a message to my local MP and also to the advocacy service. Just hope something is done in time.

    The landlord seems to be doing everything correctly, I just hope that the local authority see that you need more housing support than they are giving and realise the stress that this uncertainty is causing you, councils have such rigid policies these days and need to apply some logic and understanding in situations such as these!

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
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    Re: Facing homelessness

    @sar78 wrote:

    ….. logic and understanding …..

    :Angry: Sara don’t use such foul words!!

    xutterchaosx ….. I cannot imagine what your mind is going through. Such worrying times. I feel confident that with your specific circumstances, someone somewhere will help. I am glad you have contacted MDC’s Advocacy Team and your MP.

    Are you in contact with the Regional Care Advisor? They maybe able to give you support while you and others are findinga solution. Also you may want to consider getting in touch with your local CAB, they might have a better idea of what is available locally. I know you don’t need the extra stress of trying to make contact th all these peole when your time is already full being a Mum.

    Hang tight, you are doing your very best, and there is always the newspapers if the local authourity are too slow to help ]MP’s like the positive PR too]

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Facing homelessness

    what about claiming squatters rights?


    Posts: 526
    Joined: 04/10/2011
    Re: Facing homelessness

    Have you tried calling the advocacy team at Muscular Dystrophy Campaign about this? They should be able to give you some assistance and let you know where you stand…well worth a go.

    Muscular Dystrophy UK staff member

    Alexa Follen
    Posts: 32
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