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  • #73573
    Enabled by Design

    This is quite an excellent website to take a look at. It was established to bring together people with ideas of how to solve specific social issues, with web developers, designers and those with business expertise to develop online solutions to real world challenges.

    They describe themselves thus: “We are a community of people passionate about well designed everyday products. By sharing our loves, hates and ideas, we can challenge the one-size-fits-all approach to assistive equipment through the use of clever modern design.”

    Within the ‘Ideas Factory’ tab you can post ideas or ‘ways you would like to see things changed for the better’. From this others within the community respond with practical ideas or through posting develop concepts for practical designs. Presumably with the aim of seeing these developed and going into production.

    The postings are searchable so if you are looking for a solution you may find it there.

    There is also a review section so you can check out if a product actually works.

    Let me know your thoughts on this site and if you think it useful.


    Posts: 46
    Joined: 15/03/2011
    Re: Enabled by Design

    Look very interesting and certainly a useful site.

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