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  • #74534
    Embarrassing problem and surgery?

    Slightly embarrassing question: has anyone else suffered a rectal prolapse? I have one and it is rapidly getting worse. It causes pain and bleeding and makes in difficult for me to maintain personal hygiene. Is this something that is common with md?

    My consultant has referred me to a surgeon for assessment but he thinks it is unlikely that they will operate due to the risks associated with my condition. I do not have a firm diagnosis but I have some respiratory muscle weakness and use NIPPY at night and part of the day. I also suffer from severe episodes of SVT (basically a very fast heartbeat) The cause of this is unknown.

    Has anyone else with heart and lung problems undergone fairly major surgery? I don’t really get why my breathing difficulties should be a problem as I would be ventilated throughout the operation.
    Any tips on questions to ask the surgeon?
    Charlotte xx

    Posts: 33
    Joined: 01/02/2012
    Re: Embarrassing problem and surgery?

    I don’t suffer with this problem but a couple of years ago I did have gall bladder removal surgery. Again they were concerned with what a general aesthetic may do to my breathing. To help with this I made sure the docs had contact details for my consultants and between them it was decided I would go onto ICU for observation.

    The problem with aesthetic is it relaxes everything so being under has its problems and the coming round can be difficult because everything is fighting to come round from it.

    The best thing is to discuss it as much as possible, if your prolapse is really unbearable to live with and you understand the risks involved with surgery be sure to tell your doc if they insist its still a no go ask what alternative treatment is available.

    Posts: 1,015
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Embarrassing problem and surgery?


    I had rectal surgery in June of this year for prolapsed haemorrhoids and it caused all sorts of confusion
    and rethinks among the anaethesiology people.

    Even though I had shown them my MD medic alert card they were very confused. The conntacted
    my consultant and phoned all sorts of people in London. They decided to have an expert
    present to monitor me though the surgery and then send me to an H.D.U. ward where I
    would be woken every hour to check I am OK. Then literally five minutes
    before the Operation they changed their mind. They admitted they were not sure and
    decided to take no risks at all by keeping me awake throughout with the use of
    a spinal anaesthetic.

    This worked perfectly. Never felt a thing. Found the whole thing fascinating. Recovery time was
    reduced and there was no chance of the complications to do with a General anaesthetic. I will
    be suggesting this to them in future.

    Hope it goes well.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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