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  • #75044
    Duchenne’s possibility

    Hi, This may be a bit long and hopefully not to confusing…..My sister’s 3rd child a boy aged 11months was seen by GP aged 8 months as was not reaching any motor milestones ie no crawling,rolling sitting generally very weak muscle tone, she initally suspected hyper flexibility and hypatonia and set up physiotherapy sessions…my sister pushed for a referral to a specialist had to wait 6 weeks for apt in that time he has come on very well with phsio now sitting and generally getting stronger, weak areas shoulders, hips legs, upper arms the physiotherapist is very happy with his progress after 6 sessions and we see improvements daily…..jump forward here… he had apt with specialist 4 days ago who also diagnosed hyper-flexibility and hypatonia and was’nt unduly concerned was happy for him to carry on with physio and bring him back in 3 months but would do a blood test in the meantime…….blood test came back with high levels of ck we don’t know how high, she arranged for him to have an EMG yesterday at Great Ormand Street….this came back as showing muscle disease.
    So far this is all we know he is to have a muscle biopsy in 10 days and seeing another specialist (who is an expert in Duchenne’s)
    my sister and brother-in law(all of us really) have been driving ourselves crazy looking up things on the internet they have convinced themselves because the specialist is an expert in duchene’s this is what he has(he is an specialist in muscular disease)
    all the things i have read about duchennes seems to present it’s self slightly later, as a toddler i can’t find info in a child under 1 and wanted to know if this rings bells for anyone. It is the not knowing anything that is driving us all mad Thank you.

    Posts: 2
    Joined: 21/09/2013
    Re: Duchenne’s possibility

    Welcome to the Forum,

    We are glad you have found us.

    This will be a very difficult time for you.

    I wish there was a simple answer that could give you all the information you require. Sadly the only thing
    that we can be sure of is that Neuromuscular conditions are very variable and very confusing.

    We are told there are over sixty types of Neuromuscular disease of which Duchenne MD is just one. It
    is highly unlikely an EMG and blood tests have given enough information for an exact or comprehensive
    diagnosis. Even after a Muscle Biopsy often they are not certain and people often go years without
    exact diagnosis.

    Please do not worry too much. By far the more important factor is that you are attending one of the centres of
    excellence for this group of diseases and your nephew will be getting the best support available.

    Feel free to browse or ask more questions, it is a worrying time.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Duchenne’s possibility


    I would also like to say welcome to the forum.

    I’m the Information Manager at Muscular Dystrophy Campaign, and am on hand to send you lots of clear information and help put you and the rest of the family in touch with people who have shared similar experiences.

    As all types of muscular dystrophy are very different please do let me know once you have some clearer information from the fantastic team at GOSH, and I can send you some more specific and clear information which should help provide you all with some clarity and hopefully help you feel less overwhelmed by it all.

    I did have a meeting with a chap called Rob Brown today, who is the new Care Advisor at GOSH. He will be a fantastic support to your family. Would you like his contact details?

    Many thanks,

    Info Manager Rosanne
    Posts: 16
    Joined: 29/07/2013
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