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  • #73310
    Computer Games Controller Adaptor

    Ok…. I’m maybe not quite a “professional”… although I am a final year university student working alongside some experienced professionals within the NHS who have asked me and a team of colleagues to design and create a modification to current games controllers so that people with MD, particularly Duchenne, are able to effectively play computer consoles as they currently experience problems whilst using these.

    I’d like to use this forum as a basis for my research, where I could get valuable input from people with all types of MD, carers, and professionals. If anyone has any information which they think may be useful, such as modifications they currently make when using computer consoles, limitations etc, suggestions for what could be done, then please let me know!

    I’d like to get as much feedback as possible and plan to upload questionnaires, surveys etc. in the future in order to get some good information in order to help us create a useful product. I’m really looking forward to carrying out this project as I feel it could be very useful to some people and I hope yous are as enthusiastic as I am!

    Many thanks in advance for your help, Derek.

    Posts: 3
    Joined: 25/10/2010
    Re: Computer Games Controller Adaptor

    Hi Derek,

    it is a while since I have used any games controllers and I know I would have difficulties holding and operating them now. I used to play games on the playstation with my younger sister. I would always have to rest the controller on something like the back of a chair so that could then put my efforts into pressing the buttons and had wedge it between my fingers so that I could reach the buttons a the back – L1/L2 R1/R2. Also, I had a job to use the joystick things nearer the centre of the controller which I seem to remember my thumbs were meant to operate? As I say, it has been a while and it is possible that the PS controllers are different now.

    Good luck with your project, please keep us informed of how you get on.

    Best Wishes,


    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Computer Games Controller Adaptor

    I had a PS2 up until a couple of years ago. Got rid of it as I too was having problems holding the controller, it was becoming more and more difficult to stretch my fingers to reach all the buttons.

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    Re: Computer Games Controller Adaptor

    Since the original PSone the basic shape of the controller has changed little. Basically, the only additions are L2 & R2 buttons & two small joy sticks in the centre on the PStwo & then the loss of the cable making it completely wireless & the addition of the dual shock (vibration) function on the PSthree. Having had all three I am lucky to still be able to manage the PS3 controller for now but, I don’t always have the vibration on as this can be very strenuous & uncomfortable on some games after a while. Also I don’t hold the controller freely, it sits in my hands & my hands are on my lap.

    So, I guess most people want something to hold the controller to play games but, I doubt many will be able to raise their hands/arms to do that. I’ve also got the Wii but, rarely use it because most games are far too physical for me & the controller relies on motion generally. With the recent release of Playsation Move & the soon to be released Xbox Kinect (which completely relies on player movement, no controller here at all), it seems gaming & controllers are moving away from people sitting in an armchair or relaxing on their beds whiling the hours away & getting far more involved & physical. Whilst I appreciate their aiming at a generation of couch potato gamers & want them to get off their backsides it’s also in danger of excluding & alienating people like me.

    I hope these motion controllers & motion sensors are limited to some games & not applied to all

    I, Disabled Bloke
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    Re: Computer Games Controller Adaptor

    dont play much now as cant hold the new contollers but I still find the old Nintendo 64 chunky style controller fairly good to hold.

    what would/ could be usefully would be some sort of stand /craddle(like the one they use in Toysrus on the demo games) for the controller to sit in while you play. with some sort of suction cup to stick it to a table or tray so that their is less of a chance of it falling on the floor half way thru a game.

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    Re: Computer Games Controller Adaptor

    @catatude wrote:

    what would/ could be usefully would be some sort of stand /craddle(like the one they use in Toysrus on the demo games) for the controller to sit in while you play. with some sort of suction cup to stick it to a table or tray so that their is less of a chance of it falling on the floor half way thru a game.

    That sounds like a great idea, some sort of stand for the controler tht takes the effort of holding the thing in place, leaving the user to manage the dexterity of using the controller.

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    Re: Computer Games Controller Adaptor

    I’m glad theres been such a positive response to this… shows it’s definitely a worthwhile task we are going to be undertaking. Tricky though, as you can imagine! I’ll get a questionnaire written up I think, just for statistical data, probably going to be looking at console preferences as well. The boys we are working with seem really keen to assist us and obviously with the help on here we should hopefully produce something usable. As always, comments and suggestions are more than welcome! If there’s anything specific you want to discuss my email address is Thanks again guys!

    Posts: 3
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    Re: Computer Games Controller Adaptor

    I used to play consoles mainly xbox 360 and ps3 (have owned pretty much everything else in between) but always preferred the xbox 360 controller as it was easier to hold. However now I really struggle to get my hands round the controllers as my thumb on my left hand it pretty much locked in to the side of my hand and does not stretch very far. Anyway I have since moved on to only playing on my pc as I can manage a mouse and keyboard better to play games.

    I have seen software available on the pc that can connect to a console and let you use the mouse and keyboard to play console games, but I don’t know how easy or good it is to use. Also I bought this thing for my PS3 to allow you to use a Xbox 360 pad on the ps3 it works ok, however the rear bumper buttons are a bit weird. that might be an idea for some people maybe.

    hope this has helped a bit

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    Re: Computer Games Controller Adaptor

    Xbox 360 controller is quite helpful as its design is a bit unique and its user friendly… but its really heavy for patients of muscle disorders to carry.. i hope I helped

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    Re: Computer Games Controller Adaptor

    I have been looking at the Razer Hydra :

    Although in terms of modding controllers into anything the makey makey is ace:

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    Re: Computer Games Controller Adaptor

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    Re: Computer Games Controller Adaptor

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    Re: Computer Games Controller Adaptor

    I suggest anyone needed a modded controller check out also known as AbleGamers Charity, is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit public charity that aims to improve the overall quality of life for those with disabilities through the power of video games. Steve the COO of Ablegamers is very friendly and the Ablegamers can help anyone needing ANY assistance with someone needing help to play a video game, so please check them out and tell them Druminfected sent you there!

    With a three-step approach, AbleGamers works and advocates on behalf of the disability community to increase the accessibility of video games and to achieve further inclusion by those who need special considerations. They can help out caregivers, developers, and gamers to get back the full freedom of playing games again.

    I’ve been trying to help them with the charity aspect as well as help people with disabilities get back the freedom to play video games again. Videogames was one of the only sports I could actually still do being disabled and when that’s taken away from you it truly sucks! I’ve seen Ablegamers just about design any controller and mod it to their users liking fully so they can play a videogame with out any setbacks and having the equal amount of controls just like an average gamer using a controller.

    Any questions please let me know and you can just go to the site and make an account or contact them via email for further help or just hit me up if you want. :yes:

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