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  • #75354
    Care Company prolems

    Currently having a really bad time with my care providing agency, there is not a week without some kind of fiasco with my care team members being ill or not turning up or being willing to cover, im sick of it now, I have 6 carers on my team, 2 of which are leaving for maternity in just a few weeks. Dont know whether to just dump the current crop and get a different agency in or not, i only really get on with one of the others now aswell as the other is starting to not want to do things and spends all day smoking which is gross! Opinions seeked please

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    Joined: 01/01/1970
    Re: Care Company prolems

    I don’t have care package(still fighting the antisocial services to make sure I get cover for putting me out to work) but I think its shocking that they smoke at all around you and your house. if they worked in a factory they couldn’t down tools every 5 minutes for a fag break. Remember you are doing them the favor of employing them not the other way round. in my area people cant smoke in their house an hour before any council services comes ie plumber or carers as while they are in your house its classed as the work place. dont know how this works in practice but Im sure you are within your rights to ban smoking in your house or even ask for none smokers or staff that are strong enough to smoke on their own time after they clock off.

    Would it be possible to get another agency but get the one you like on a adhoc basis.

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: Care Company prolems

    Sorry to hear this, it is such an important thing to get right as good care arrangements are the foundations for so many aspects of life. If the care agency aren’t listening to your grievances (have you put anything in writing to them?) then I would be tempted to change agency. I’m not sure where you live but there might be the alternative option of employing PAs through direct payments which allows you more control of who works for you. There are pros and come for managing your own care but it works really well for me.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

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