Being disable in UK. Question from American 21yrold

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  • #75134
    Being disable in UK. Question from American 21yrold

    So my question is. As a person who lives in america with an unknown type of MD. Is it truly really hard for me to get a job. Let’s say so far I have been to few, and most of them deny me because I can’t really stand for long hours without sitting or resting for a little. You all know. So my question is. As I reach my 30’s slowly. I must question. Is it worth it to moved to the UK?. I heard disable people are treated better as in. We can get jobs without you know the constant racism we get here in america.

    If you asked me. Yes I can walk, and have hard time getting up from things like any other MD user. As of so far. Any job I apply to has denied me because of my MD. The sad thing is most jobs don’t even put a “Disabilities” section in their employment sheets. The way it has gone. For one thing I live with an abusive father not hitting, but you know someone who is a bigot, and manipulative person. I never had a clean family, but most people don’t, and don’t have any money to get out, and as of now. I’m going with the US’s SSID or w/e program that pays disable people. As a say I’m not really good at college, and don’t got a car of my own or any income besides what my family makes. So as I see it. If I were to get SSID which sadly as of right now is the only thing I can do since my own father doesn’t support me in getting a job, and most jobs I’ve been to they denied or just look for someone else. So is it really worth to moved to the UK?. I’m not asking for a easy job. I’m asking for something that is within my limits. As you can see I’m not really good at grammar perhaps due to MD mostly beckers that gives in some cases memory loss. But the doctors, and the institutions that have tested me can’t find what I have.

    Posts: 2
    Joined: 05/12/2013
    Re: Being disable in UK. Question from American 21yrold


    This is a difficult one, I feel for your situation, we do seem luckier here in the UK due to our albeit imperfect Benefit system.

    I think that where ever you are in the world people with all sorts of conditions face discrimination and bigotry even here!

    We do have anti discrimination policies but employers don’t always adhere to them sadly!

    If you read some of the posts you will see that many of us have difficulty gaining and retaining employment.
    I personally have not been employed since I was younger, I’m a qualified Mediator but no-one even wants me on their premises let alone give me a chance with a job as my condition is very unstable.

    I’m not sure of the legals of coming here but I don’t think that it would be easy or straightforward if you have no means of support. Even a dysfunctional family can be better than none at all.

    Have you tried the Muscular Dystrophy Organisation in America? I’ve managed to get help & Advice from them for other Americans.

    You should try & improve your chances by doing some sort of study no matter how small it will help or practical training in a skill?

    Also write with help to bigger companies like Disney or Microsoft as larger organisations have a better corporate responsibility ethos.

    Good luck and take care! :yes:

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Being disable in UK. Question from American 21yrold

    I think it would be different coming to the UK if you had UK family or friends as a support group or coming for study. but with the introduction of UK benefit changes you would struggle to gain the UK benefits to support a complex and deteriorating condition as the government are signing lots or registered disabled people as “fit for work” without actually helping them get work. and “fit for work” means no benefits which means reduced access to other aid.

    It has always been difficult for disabled people in the UK to get employment particular without educational degrees and this is getting worse as simply not enough jobs to go around the healthy people let alone share some with the disabled and low paid jobs are being taken by in alot of cases overqualified albe people as employers want best value for money and . inroads has been made in the last 10 years to improve physical access to first public buildings and employment but employers tend to interrupt the law to suit themselves.

    Another major hurdle we UK disabled and MD people meet is housing. the government didn’t build housing for about 30yrs then only did so for a short time and didnt build enough suitable housing for an aging population or a disabled one. The local Councils sold off much or their housing stock across the country leading to a USA type Landlord nation with often poor conditions. getting suitable adapted and level access housing is a problem and a postcode lottery across the country and getting adaptations done can be restricting and problematic and taking sometimes years to arrange with the client having to pay towards it risking having to leave it behind when needs change and have to move.

    Hope this helps and I dont want to sound all doom and gloom but the UK is not a bed of roses either.

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: Being disable in UK. Question from American 21yrold

    Hi! Here is a link to the MDA USA site which has useful advice & support specifically tailored to American’s with neuro-muscular conditions needs.


    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Being disable in UK. Question from American 21yrold

    Here is another site which my be of use?

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Being disable in UK. Question from American 21yrold

    Welcome to the forum.

    We are glad you have found us.

    Our two expert ladies have summed up the situation very well, that this is a very difficult question
    with no easy answers. Things are changing in the UK and we are not sure exactly how it will
    all work out.

    We do have some very great centres of excellence for MD and they do a marvellous job under
    difficult circumstances. I hear some people in the USA have problems getting full
    diagnostic testing and treatment due to insurance anomalies. Recently we have a
    whole series of issues that make funding many of our services much more problematic.

    Let’s hope you can make progress. It is a good sign that you are actively exploring
    your different options.

    Please browse the site or ask questions. Good to hear from you.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Being disable in UK. Question from American 21yrold

    Thanks for the replies. :3 So nice to have a great community. I’ll see how things go here. Thanks for the advice too.

    Posts: 2
    Joined: 05/12/2013
    Re: Being disable in UK. Question from American 21yrold

    Some really insightful answers here guys…this forum is very lucky to have you. mramos91…we hope to see your around :)

    Muscular Dystrophy UK staff member

    Alexa Follen
    Posts: 32
    Joined: 12/05/2015
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