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  • #149714
    Acid reflux

    Ok so I have acid reflux, mainly when I’m asleep it comes up. I’m used to it now and don’t even really wake up.

    So years ago I had a camera down my throaty and a biopsy, the report said I had Barrett’s oesophagus.but since that I have never heard anything, or seen a doctor for it.

    What should I do now it’s been years?
    Should I Be checked if I still have this because I still have the reflux.

    If I get tablets for the acid reflux what are the side effects? I don’t want any tablets that might mean I lose weight.

    Plus I know Barrett’s gives a huge increase to cancer.

    Posts: 28
    Joined: 10/03/2014
    Reply To: Acid reflux

    I think you will find the advice on this website

    is good and appropriate. It recommends regular endoscopies and medical supervision with this condition. It also talks about the risk of cancer. Again becasue of this increased risk, proper medical supervision is essential as if any cell changes are detected then early intervention will mean far more effective treatment.
    As for medication that is clearly a matter which you need to discuss with your GP. I have been taking mine for decades and it has not influenced my weight at all, many others too have the same result. But clearly with your picture there may be other influences at play and I really would recommedn you seeing your GP at the earliest opportunity to discuss your need for medication and of course for referral for regular endocsopies.


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
    Joined: 02/11/2015
    Reply To: Acid reflux

    Hi Mded89,

    it was suggested I too have Barrett’s oesophagus after changing vent and the Acid re-flux taking hold. I was told to make adjustments to routine, posture when resting/sleeping and times of eating before going to sleep. Keep a diary to work out triggers. I have yet to pin down a trigger but have found i get a bad re-flux If I am very tired and sleep deeply very fast after getting into bed. I was told that due to My MD poor muscles and my Scoliosis that the stomach is not typical shape, is squashed by posture and never completely closes, = the reflux.

    Posture. – raise head when sleeping. tilt profile bed if possible.

    Drink a glass of water after every meal.
    Avoid Spicy
    Dont eat too near bedtime or nap time.

    check vent settings if you have a vent or mask seal. (mine worse with a bad mask)

    Step up dental care as the acid eats away teeth.

    My acid re-flux come in partnership with air in tummy. For both the best fast fix is Infacol. AKA simiticone. Passed the air either way fast and soothes the throat. Infacol is basically a infant colic med.

    The Cancer risk!! Always a risk with lots of things. If it was me I would be wanting to get help managing the symptoms and reducing the acid flash back. It could in time distort taste sensation or create a perm white tongue.

    I for a time had good results with Omeprazole. There is other options available that can alter the stomach acid to water to pass rather than reflux. I cant remember the Omeprazole having any negative side effects. I mainly started this drug to protect me from painkiller stomach side effects. Your probably more likely to gain weight as Omeprazole will make digestion easier


    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Reply To: Acid reflux

    I have been taking Omepazole for a couple of years.

    No side effects and stop the reflux completely.

    Magic Pills!

    Also agree on the posture suggestion, I always sleep
    with head raised.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Reply To: Acid reflux

    I agree with Taungfox and Cat. Used to suffer terribly with it but electric bed and omeprazole helped and now I manage it without taking anything.

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    sar78 sar78
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