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  • #74450

    Hi all,

    We are in the process of trying to get a statement for our son, aged 10. It is all a bit of a nightmare as he has been in the private education sector since aged 3, so he has has no SEN input. We are taking him out of this school for secondary school, start SEpt 2013, due to the fact they can no longer meet his needs.

    We just had a specialist teacher come and review him who told us that he would be classed as having some severe and some complex needs and that he would need a statement. Hopefully this means we might get one but I know it isn’t that easy!

    The question I am asking is that this PNID teacher asked about which secondary school we were hoping to apply to. Basically, there are only 2 in our town and both are very good, however one is fully accessible and the other is only partial. I said we would choose the accessible one (even though slightly further away). The specialist teacher then pointed out that it is now an academy and so they have a right to refuse us! Is this true? Also, it is the accessible school in our area so where else would we go? The other school is also an academy so could also refuse us, surely not?

    If that made any sense to anyone, I would love to hear of your experiences,


    Posts: 10
    Joined: 13/03/2012
    Re: Aademies?

    Hello Zebadw, i only know what i have seen and heard in the media. In other words, i could be wrong.

    I believe that schools were given academy status in the interests of elitism, that is they get to choose who does and doesn’t attend. The Grammar schools are mostly gone, so the tories have to be inventive with regards to ensuring the best and brightest, can be educated separate from the more challenging pupil.

    I hope you are going to apply to the more accessible academy, there should be room for all in our schools.

    Posts: 747
    Joined: 05/09/2010
    Re: Aademies?

    Hello Zebadw,

    The unfortunate answer is yes, if the schools is an academy they can refuse your son. The refusal level is actually very high with academies hence the heavy criticism of the system. This carries huge consequences for parents of statemented children, especially in areas where most secondary schools have become or are becoming academies, or where the only suitable school is an academy- like your situation. The biggest problem with academies is the inability to challenge placement refusals through the SEN tribunal system.

    IPSEA, The Independent Panel for Special Educational Advice, are currently raising these concerns with the government. There have been a number of high profile cases recently in the media which have highlighted these issues.

    I hope this helps answer your question!

    Posts: 32
    Joined: 09/01/2012
    Re: Aademies?

    Thank you both for your replies.

    Unfortunately, I am now very nervous. I have 2 other children to get to school and if both the schools in our area refuse our son, I could be in a nightmare situation as the only other schools are in different towns and are not particularly good. Oh well, could be a moot point if he doesn’t get a statement, although I wonder who will push his wheelchair without 1 to 1 help (no power wheelchair, don’t even get me started on that nightmare!).

    I will keep you informed so that you know how we make out in this current situation and so that others may learn from this as well.

    Posts: 10
    Joined: 13/03/2012
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