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  • #151253
    A measure of the problem

    I have been ill for some days, complete weakbness, vertigo, tinnitus, the whole ball of wax as some might say.So my wife saked the emergency doctor to come out and see me. Surprisingly he turned up a couple of hours later and asked me what was wrong . I explained in the best terms I could, conmsidering I am still unsure what day it is. I also said to him quite early on that I had a variant of MD and was trialling some new medicatiom. The reply that I got left me feeling, “Why did I bother?”. Oh the reply? “Whats MD?” At this point I lost all faith in whatever he was going to say or do (which turned out to be nothing).
    This is from a post qualification and post in house training doctor, many years in to his career, and he had never heard of MD. An illustration of the mountain that we all have to climb, not just for recognition but also understanding of our conditions which always have a significant bearing on why we consult with the medical fraternity.
    The trial of the medication by the way was Sativex, a cannobinoid based pain killer which works wonders for me at least. Just hope that was not teh cause of my ball of wax.

    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
    Joined: 02/11/2015
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