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  • #73366

    AMG raised the topic of circulation.

    Can I ask a question that I have been meaning to ask the specialists for twelve years?

    My heartbeat is 54 beats a minute and my mothers was exactly the same. All her and my life we have suffered from bad circulation. I feel the cold incredibly, I have spent my life at school and work sitting next to radiators. In the summer the
    feeling the heat is nearly as bad.

    My mother had a simple logic to explain her condition, that her heart beat slower than other peoples so it took longer for oxygen, warmth and nutriments to gets to her tissues and organs and this explained all the problems she had.

    My question is simply, do people with Neuromuscular conditions have lower heartrates and is this and bad circulation
    a factor in their conditions ?

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: 54

    I don’t know about anybody else but my heart rate is normal but I do feel the cold really bad. I’ve just always put it down to not being able to move about.

    Posts: 1,015
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    Re: 54

    My heart rate and blood pressure are always been on the lower range of normal, dunno if it is just my make-up or an MD qwerk

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: 54

    I have had a high heart rate for as long as I can remember. I recall one Science lesson when we were asked to record various measurements and I was always the odd one out and messed up the class averages. My blood pressure is usually on the low side.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: 54

    I have a normal heart rate, high blood pressure and a low temperature, , we know now that if my B.P. drops to normal something is brewing and a normal reading for temperature in me is a fever and I usually end up in hospital due to an underlying infection ;)
    Oh this rotten body and its quirks…..

    Posts: 62
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    Re: 54

    Thanks for the feedback listers.

    My theories have all gone out of the window.

    No links to slow circulation.

    It just shows Neuromuscular conditions are Rare, Complex and Variable.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: 54

    my blood gases are always normal, better than your average “healthy person” since I started using my vent. but I have always suffered from bad circulation particulary in my ears, hands and feet. my legs can be warm(ish) to just bellow the knee then they drop in temp down to my purple blackish toes.

    My heart rate & BP is also low but as soon as I move about it goes the otherway and races making me too warm (everywhere apart from feet) It was sugested that I may also have reynoids but the problem with treating reynoids is that the meds speed up the heart rate to push the blood to the toes. but this push up my heart rate even when resting.

    dont want to mess about with heart drugs as my heart tests seems ok. so at the minute Im sticking with foot massage and a nice warm cat on them :lol:

    I do find that if I cut my feet they take a long time to heal.

    Is anyone very aware of their heart when in bed at night???

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: 54

    @catatude wrote:

    my blood gases are always normal, better than your average “healthy person” since I started using my vent. but I have always suffered from bad circulation particulary in my ears, hands and feet. my legs can be warm(ish) to just bellow the knee then they drop in temp down to my purple blackish toes.

    yes my toes look the same when they are cold

    My heart rate & BP is also low but as soon as I move about it goes the otherway and races making me too warm (everywhere apart from feet) It was sugested that I may also have reynoids but the problem with treating reynoids is that the meds speed up the heart rate to push the blood to the toes. but this push up my heart rate even when resting.

    dont want to mess about with heart drugs as my heart tests seems ok. so at the minute Im sticking with foot massage and a nice warm cat on them :lol:

    I do find that if I cut my feet they take a long time to heal.

    Same here!

    Is anyone very aware of their heart when in bed at night???

    I have been recently and also notice it after I have eaten.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
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