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  • #74546
    1st school to special school

    My son is will be 8 in November, has DMD. His learning is below the national Curriculum level and uses his wheelchair when tired. The current school SENCO advised me he would not cope in the Middle school. I visited a special school for children with physical difficulties and have children there with his condition. I am very happy with the school in the future but find it too soon for him to go now . This school is not maintained. The choice of schools in the maintained special schools are Winchelsea where they deal mainly with learning difficulties but have no set up for children in wheelchairs and the other school has children with severe and complex conditions. I am visiting the other school to show i have been but cant see the point of going through a visit knowing full well he would never go. Its obvious that he wouldnt . I would probably visit Winchelsea. Could i approach the middle school and ask their opinion to see if they could accomodate him as the school i visited said most of the DMD boys do start one day a week . I did think of him going to Winchelsea and perhaps go to the other special school later but feel too much change could confuse him. Any advice would be grateful as feeling very emotional and trying to get my head round it. I thought this would be easy but I was wrong.

    Posts: 2
    Joined: 07/01/2011
    Re: 1st school to special school

    My son has DMD and special ed needs . He has been to main stream right from reception class and is now is yr 8 (secondary school) he dosent do any homework he is too tired to do, and he goes in to a *unit* to help with maths and english. He has 2 support workers that help him with everything he needs from getting stuff out his bag to toileting him. Sometimes the local authority try and herd these kids into a special school cos its easier for them but if your son wants to go to mainstream they have to accommadate him by law. Visit schools and explain, see which ones are the best. My son even has q wheelchair taxi pick him up and drop him off the the local authority pay for- dont let them rail road you!

    Posts: 0
    Joined: 01/01/1970
    Re: 1st school to special school

    sorry shoulld have said, dont worry if a school is not set up, they have to adapt it by law…. ;)

    Posts: 0
    Joined: 01/01/1970
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