Wheelchair don’t ignite – but battery chargers do!

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  • #74489
    Wheelchair don’t ignite – but battery chargers do!

    You know that old – don’t leave things plugged in overnight as they can cause a fire in electrical items…. and we all just do it anyway… and sometimes we have to – like charging wheelchairs etc…

    well, I was charging my wheelchair by the bed the other night when I smelt burning and after two attempts, got hubs out of bed to take a look. My wheelchair battery charger had actually melted and was too hot to touch. Promptly put it out in the garden incase it went up in flames….. just goes to show? Never had one do that before! :shock: Scary.

    Posts: 307
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    Re: Wheelchair don’t ignite – but battery chargers do!

    Years ago while at school I had a motor burn out and start to melt the plastic covering!

    Glad your ok :)

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    Re: Wheelchair don’t ignite – but battery chargers do!

    it never stops amazing me how poor the quality of the chargers are for such expensive bits of kit.

    glad you are both ok.. I would never have smelt it once in bed with mask on.

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    Re: Wheelchair don’t ignite – but battery chargers do!

    Wow, so you’re hot stuff huh … lol … but seriously yes chargers are the weak link of any device, glad you and hubs were unharmed.

    Do you have a spare charger? Will it take long to replace?

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    Re: Wheelchair don’t ignite – but battery chargers do!

    We have a few spare from other chairs so will try those! Funny thing is, without my vent I can’t suck air up my nose enough to really smell anything. I went for years not knowing what I was missing… but with my vent I can suck up lots of air and have intense smell now! It;s been the best thing about having the vent…. and I smelt the burning ages before hubs and he’s got a nose like a bloodhound lol. Perhaps I could get a job in an airport…. lol.

    Posts: 307
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    Re: Wheelchair don’t ignite – but battery chargers do!

    @criptic wrote:

    We have a few spare from other chairs so will try those! Funny thing is, without my vent I can’t suck air up my nose enough to really smell anything. I went for years not knowing what I was missing… but with my vent I can suck up lots of air and have intense smell now! It;s been the best thing about having the vent…. and I smelt the burning ages before hubs and he’s got a nose like a bloodhound lol. Perhaps I could get a job in an airport…. lol.

    I have the same heightened sense of smell on the vent however this can be a disadvantage when the neighbours keep having bonfires or your little Sister purposely puts her smelly trainers next to the ventilator!! :roll: but in terms of safety it is a very good thing :) Glad you are both ok.

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