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  • #75489
    Wheelchair Advice

    Dear All,
    I have been prescribed a wheelchair by my local service, they are offering me the Invacare Spectra with powered tilt model, they say I can add the riser option if I wish by paying for it or through a charity.
    I would like to know of others experience of this chair good or bad? and whether it is worth asking the Muscular Dystrophy Org for help with the riser option cost?
    If I want I can have a voucher towards a better chair but its only worth £1755
    Thanks for any input in advance as this will be my first electric chair.
    Shellybear :bite:

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Wheelchair Advice

    I have this chair, have had it 13months now and can honestly say its great. I in space tilt and riser and use them on regular basis. It did take some getting used to as before this i had a Sunrise Medical F40 which was 15yrs old. I too had to pay for the riser which was £600 but its been worth it. As well as 5his i have the in seat tilt which is great for cinema trips, park up, tilt back and relax to a good film…lol. My chair also has electric back rest which is great for sitting a bit more upright when you need it.

    Ok now for the downers. Cause my legs splay apart (no Essex girl jokes, thank you :o :lol: ) I have a velcro strap which holds them together. Also because i have electric back rest theres a little widget on the side which makes the chair ever so slightly wider than i like, again have made a cushion from upholstery foam from ebay which works fine.

    Don’t expect people to be able to push you if you get tired or worse. With all the gadgets on it, its a heavy old piece of kit weighing in at just under 130kg. There are also no handles on the back of mine, so nowhere to hang shopping ;) but this is easily overcome by buying pram shopping clips which work a treat.

    Despite all that, i love this chair, its comfy and robust. I only seem to charge it once a week. Ask wheelchair services if they have one you can try, if not i’d get a rep out and try it.

    Hope this helps a bit. Feel free to ask me anything about it if you still have questions :yes:

    Posts: 1,015
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Wheelchair Advice

    Thanks Vicki for replying,

    I am just worried about saying yes to the first thing they offer me as apparantly i’ll be stuck with it for 5yrs!
    I was thinking about applying to the Joeseph Patrick trust for help with the riser cost option, did you do this?
    I’ve only ever used a mobility scooter or hired chair before which were huge!
    My home is only small so there will be compromises.

    Is it best to except the full presciption option or a partnership purchase with regards to maintenance as knowing my luck it will break down. Lol!
    I’ve sesisted getting a chair as I know my family will find it hard to deal with but I cant hold out any longer.

    Do you find this chair alright with arm use? I have very weak arms and hands.

    Did you get the standard seat? Or an upgrade? They’ve suggested a head rest.

    Thanks for the input, i’m in over my head! :scratch:


    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Wheelchair Advice

    I was lucky enough that my brother helped with the extra cost.

    Maintenance and repairs would be the remit of wheelchair services, mine is, and i would expect yours to be too.

    A head rest is essential if you are going to have the tilt option, otherwise when you tilt you head will be off your shoulders….lol…its also very practical for travelling in the car etc.

    The arm rests are lower than what i was used to and most chairs i tried were like this, again i’ve got used to it and don’t think anything of it now.

    I live in a 2 bed flat and get around no problem, chair has quite a small turning circle.

    I have the standard seat option, i don’t like soft cushions to sit on so the standard was just right, i find it very comfy.

    Did they give you any literature on it?

    Posts: 1,015
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Wheelchair Advice

    Hi Vicky,
    Yeah the maintenance will be the remit of the wheelchair service unless I go down the ‘ partnership’ finance route or voucher scheme which is why I am minded not to.
    I realise about the headrest lol! My head probably would fall off! :lol:
    They didn’t give me any literature so I googled it ; )

    The arm rest and comfort issue worry me the most as my shoulder girdles are wasting so the weight off my own arms is hard to support at times, extremely painful, i have difficulty getting comfy & supported on normal chairs as it is.
    If I have pressure on a limb or muscle it goes paralysed quite quickly like when as a kid you’ve sat crossed legged too long.

    I think I will ask them if they could get one for me to try.

    I’ll ask the MD charity if they would finance the riser.

    What condition do you have if you don’t mind me asking? I suffer from ATS which has caused Myopathy.

    Thanks again for the info. :ty:

    Michelle :yes:

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Wheelchair Advice

    I have LGMD. I’d go for full service option takes the worry out of finding money for repairs.

    Good luck

    Posts: 1,015
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    Re: Wheelchair Advice

    an issue I never considered is to check if chair is car crash tested. my work chair is not and I cant use it for a drive from wheelchair car as it cant use a self auto dock and some savy taxi firms wont even let me board as i cant prove its crash tested and it is very difficult for them to anchor as no anchor points.

    Posts: 1,002
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    Re: Wheelchair Advice

    Hi! Yep checked it is crash tested, so all good there.
    Thanks, Michelle

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Wheelchair Advice

    Hi! All,

    The new Wheelchair has finally landed!! :wave:

    It was a complete faff getting it home as wrong advice given from the Wheelchair service but a nice taxi firm took it home for me :D
    The OT’s were lovely and worked hard to make sure all was fitted properly to me.
    I was surprised that the gel seat etc.. was so comfortable.
    I’ve been playing ahem.. practicing its functions all day as I need it! ( i never played video games) its got a riser, tilt in space, electric leg rests and back rest!
    I crashed it into the back porch and cracked the door frame!

    Unfortunately the guy who measured up the house they must have done something wrong as I cant get any further than the porch :cry:
    So ups & downs as usual!
    Its back on the phone to the OT’s and Social services again.
    On the plus side my girl shih tzu loves it and has decided that her rightful place is on it with me!

    Now i just need rocket launchers and a bull bar fitted and i’m ready for anything.

    All the best Michelle

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
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