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  • #74147
    Wet Room & Super Loos

    Got to a point where Im feed up with our tiny loo. cant get my waker in let alone a chair :? can even open the door once im in. If I have a fall then tuff.

    I need to get brain storming and look at all the angles as I can only afford one go at getting it right.

    Toilet- not long got a Mountway riser. working well for me at the mo, but thinking long term I am leaning towards the Closomat Lima riser shower chair.

    Shower:- Need as much room as poss, really need to get a wheely chair or stool in. hate shower curtains and really would prefer a glass cabinat as I like the steam to help yak up the morning phlem balls.
    Like the look of this I like the way the doors can fold in/out to creat a bigger exit area when need and a chair defo fits..

    Sinks- I have a big issue of washing my hair ie I cant do it no more. I would realy like a sink that I can recline back into like a hairdressers sink so that anyone (male or female)could wash my hair without me needing as full shower. :oops:

    feel free to poke holes, or let me know of any better ideas of wetroom plans.

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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    the only thing I can mention through disastrous experience is the floor itself, if it’s not at the right gradient you’ll have flooding so when you agree to it and decide on what you want just double check this – it’s a common trap. If you get a tray in the glass enclose thingy, make sure it’s not slippy. I find people’s definition of non slippy differs from mine – some just cant get enough of an ice rink like feel when water is added…..not sure if that helps at all.

    I like the sink idea though…slightly jealous.

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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    Wow thats a posh bathroom wish mine was like that

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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    I turned down a wet room last year.

    I like carpets and lots of lovely warm rugs and mats. All you do is
    pick up the rugs and mats and chuck ’em in the washing machine.

    But it was probably the wrong decision, these are so functional.

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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    Flooring is a nightmare!!!!! I have a wetroom, love it and hate it. They put in a bobbly flooring but it is still too slippery for me to stand, get stood up, walk on .. even when the slightestly damp. I would have adored a sinken floor with a gradient which has the slatted wooden cover.

    When you get as far as a schedule of works [local council did mine, major mistake, they tendered the work out but the guys did it as and when inbetween other jobs because I was not at home to chase them up, because there was no useable loo I decamped to my Dad’s for the three weeks] …. I digressed …. when you get the schedule of works, threaten the bloke with minkey wrnches to his nuts to make sure you get, a sample of actual flooring to compare and consider, that the actual one you choose is the one in the works and is not glued down until you have seen it.

    I have my bathroom switch on the outside of the room. Whenever I have visitors I have to tell them the switch is on the outside [they look blankly] that they are not drunk the floor slopes as it is a wet room [they look bemused] .. as always they walk in and go “OwwHH, weird isn’t it” :roll:

    Taps – be pedantic and specific with taps and plugs and whether you want mixer tap [kitchen style that swivells] fixed mixed tap, separate taps.

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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    Are you having two sinks? How are you going to wash your hands, face, brush teeth and such with a sink that has no downward facing tap?

    Wetrooms have their good points but they are not space savers and bathroom brochure pictures tend to have bathrooms bigger than my house when displaying, lol.

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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    @kissofdarkness wrote:

    the only thing I can mention through disastrous experience is the floor itself, if it’s not at the right gradient you’ll have flooding so when you agree to it and decide on what you want just double check this – it’s a common trap. If you get a tray in the glass enclose thingy, make sure it’s not slippy. I find people’s definition of non slippy differs from mine – some just cant get enough of an ice rink like feel when water is added…..not sure if that helps at all.

    I like the sink idea though…slightly jealous.

    the hair washing sink has been a dream for ages now. although now Ive seen the body drier….mmm clean hair V dry bod ;)

    the gradients a worry. had a bathroom flood us out before. I dont do well on slopped floors designed for chairs, cant step up too high. but I need at least a little lip to keep the water in the tray. :? prev used a tray with drainage goves but they hurt to stand on… going to look into AMGS duck board idea.

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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    @amgmod wrote:

    Flooring is a nightmare!!!!! I have a wetroom, love it and hate it. They put in a bobbly flooring but it is still too slippery for me to stand, get stood up, walk on .. even when the slightestly damp. I would have adored a sinken floor with a gradient which has the slatted wooden cover.

    When you get as far as a schedule of works [local council did mine, major mistake, they tendered the work out but the guys did it as and when inbetween other jobs because I was not at home to chase them up, because there was no useable loo I decamped to my Dad’s for the three weeks] …. I digressed …. when you get the schedule of works, threaten the bloke with minkey wrnches to his nuts to make sure you get, a sample of actual flooring to compare and consider, that the actual one you choose is the one in the works and is not glued down until you have seen it.

    :lol: note to self- buy winky monkey wrench for nuts :lol: if they flood my house again puttinng in another shower I will shove the wrench someplace not pleasant :lol:

    I have my bathroom switch on the outside of the room. Whenever I have visitors I have to tell them the switch is on the outside [they look blankly] that they are not drunk the floor slopes as it is a wet room [they look bemused] .. as always they walk in and go “OwwHH, weird isn’t it” :roll:

    is it not normal for the bathroom light switch to be outside the room. all our bathroom switches are outside around hear :shock:

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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    @amgmod wrote:

    Are you having two sinks? How are you going to wash your hands, face, brush teeth and such with a sink that has no downward facing tap?

    Wetrooms have their good points but they are not space savers and bathroom brochure pictures tend to have bathrooms bigger than my house when displaying, lol.

    all depend on what taps I can find to suit the sink I pick/ can budget for. really really want to solve the hair washing trauma.
    ideally i would like a regular tap(for hands and teeth) with a pull up shower head similar to the fancy high end kitchen ones.

    If i cant find the right taps i hope the sink and shower can be close enough for my nominated hair washer to streach it over to the sink.

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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    I have issues with my shower tray, because it is level it is rubbish at draining. The water can sit in it for ages. The flooring that my housing association put in is a bit of a puzzle, it takes an age to dry so we often have to mop it as PAs and I could end up in a crumpled heap if we slipped.

    I assumed minkey wrenches was a deliberate error lol or is that just how my mind works :lol: :shock: :oops:

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    I had my bathroom done last year – the floor is really non slip and looks nice – don’t know what they call it but the OT recommended it for me (about the only good thing she recommended but that’s another story!!!). It’s not exactly a wet room – whole floor is non slip stuff that can get wet but shower end is sectioned off with a curtain. The shower end has some gradient towards the plug but not a lot – I get round that becuase there is a pump which is activated by water flowing through the plug hole and pumps the waste water away to prevent flooding – it works really well and may be a solution if you don’t cope well with gradients. The pump itself is a bit larger than a kettle and in my case it is in my wardrobe (!) because the wall my shower is on backs onto my bedroom and there is a built in wardrobe the other side – I’m not sure where it’s intended to go normally.

    Hope this helps

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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    @sar78 wrote:

    I assumed minkey wrenches was a deliberate error lol or is that just how my mind works :lol: :shock: :oops:

    My are typos legendary

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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    @amgmod wrote:

    @sar78 wrote:

    I assumed minkey wrenches was a deliberate error lol or is that just how my mind works :lol: :shock: :oops:

    My are typos legendary

    nah minkey wrenches are for nauty workmans winkys ;)

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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    Our bathroom is a self build (and showered in loads and loads of wet rooms on holiday) whereas my old one was done by the council (Altro marine bobbled flooring slightly sloping to the plug for the wet room look). Was nice and grippy but because it was bobbled, when I fell on it, it was like being spiked by a bed of nails – very ouch).

    Currently we have raised the floor of the bathroom, which allows for a toilet to be sunken along with the riser (so you don’t see the rise legs and means the whole thing goes very low as I have short legs and need to reach the floor for balance when seated). Looked at the closomat toilets myself but the model that rises vertical doesn’t have a full remote control bidet function (I would say this is essential if you might lose the use of your arms enough to wipe/wash properly). Also, the closemat seats don’t cup my pelvis enough to keep me balanced (and their ergonomic one clamps me so much to the loo I can’t be pulled off onto my feet!!). I’m still waiting for the invention of the perfect bidet/toilet/riser thingy whatsit. :lol:

    The sink was chosen specifically to be big enough to lean forward and get my head in it along with PA hands and a shower head. The tap is central and swings away over the side for my head to go into the large deep bowl. The taps either side are angled and move in notches with a cross hair type tap head (which I used to be able to turn with very little hand movement but now I can’t reach). I think we just got them all from B&Q. There is no pedestal so I fit right under and hubs built a shelf along the wall that it hangs on to put my feet up and balance i.e. foot plate function. (Oh and the shower hose is next to the sink for the hair washing).

    Those moving sinks are great – I used one once that had a deep inch long ridge all the way around which I couldn’t lean over to do my hair or get my hands in properly but they rise and lower thing is great.

    We have built in a level grid shower but it’s not ever worked as the bathroom is a build in progress (I can’t see it being finished in my life time to be honest!) So, I have a sink wash and a tuppar ware bowl of water balanced on my chair for the loo (soon to be replaced by a bidet). We have future plans to get a ceiling hoist so built in a door that leads to the bedroom and would track over everything (we think). This is a real problem area at the moment because if I fall on the bathroom floor during a transfer, I’m in real trouble because not only does it hurt like hell on my pelvis but I can’t breathe out of my ‘wheelchair’ position as I slump all over the place :-/ At the moment people just have to quickly scoop me up and do a one person lift straight of the floor which is really dodgy H&S wise. Thinking that getting the ceiling hoist in in the next year or so might be the way to go but at least we factored it into the build.

    The hardest part has been the floor – currently it’s a bit of lino off-cut that has none-slip surfaces that is supposed to be ok for wet rooms etc as a temporary floor covering. However, this is still far too slippy when wet to put in permanently (or if I have dusty feet that lessens the friction) so we bought a dining room table top protector and used a glue to make the backing rough – this is on the floor in front of the loo for transfers. Basically, I have tried lots of bathrooms flooring and still have to use none slip mats and similar to stand on or we all go sliding onto the floor!

    On holiday, the wet rooms often turn into a swimming pool because the conversion has been done really badly. Been in some really good ones though where their is only a little slope, good drainage and no crappy curtain to get wrapped up in. Hubs usually ends up in the shower with me because he gets drenched – PAs used to use swimming costumes or bring a change because they always ended up wet. Never had flooding problems with my wet room at uni or with the council DFG conversion. Sometimes, the brakes on shower chair wasn’t very good and I would roll out of the bathroom though :lol:

    Posts: 307
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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    we are about to have a wet room put in but we only have a 1 bed flat and they want to rip out our only storage cupboard in our hall way to make the bathroom more accessible … as our flat is housing association the ot has said its either that or we could put in for a move to bigger accommodation. think its more hassle and stress we dont need , but hey ho ! i love the idea about a sink like they have in hairdressers , that would be brilliant .

    Posts: 65
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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    @rachelmurphy wrote:

    we are about to have a wet room put in but we only have a 1 bed flat and they want to rip out our only storage cupboard in our hall way to make the bathroom more accessible … as our flat is housing association the ot has said its either that or we could put in for a move to bigger accommodation. think its more hassle and stress we dont need , but hey ho ! i love the idea about a sink like they have in hairdressers , that would be brilliant .

    Sometimes I think OT’s just want to knock walls down. Hope it all goes smoothly for you.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Wet Room & Super Loos

    haha i think you are right about that …she wanted to knock the kitchen wall down too haha , we did put our foot down about that one , as my hubbys a better cook than i am

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