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  • #75013
    Turn Your Speaker Into A Bluetooth….

    I have been one of those complaining viciously about Apple’s decision to change
    their connector to the new Lightning one, thereby rendering all our old docks and speakers useless.

    Now there is a superb and cheap answer. Third party peeps have come up with a superb
    “Wireless Bluetooth Music Receiver Adapter”. This is a tiny whizgog gizmo that just fits on your
    old 30 pin connector and turns the whole speaker or gadget into a Bluetooth.

    Numerous different suppliers on E-Bay from £ 6 to £ 15. I chose the £ 6.50 one below :-

    Actually it is better than that and an even better use is to be able to have a remote control control
    of your Speaker from across the rooom via your iPad, iPod or iPhone. Had not played my main quality
    TEAC speaker for four months because of the hassle of taking the iPod over to the other side of the room. Now
    it works from four different Apple devices.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
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