Trailblazers take on the Comprehensive Spending Review

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  • #73290
    Trailblazers take on the Comprehensive Spending Review

    Bobby Ancil the Trailblazers Project Manager has posted a blog post about the spending cuts.

    “Since the emergency budget in June, and possibly beforehand, some politicians and sections of the media have been making statements that could confuse and encourage people into believing that Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is connected to a person’s income or means. It is not…”

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    Posts: 166
    Joined: 16/08/2010
    Re: Trailblazers take on the Comprehensive Spending Review

    There are too many ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’, so little detail for families to understand what they face in the months ahead. Many with disabilities are concerned about their income, about ILF possibly being withdrawn. For many this gives them independence, control over their own lives.

    Then we have families wherein a family carer in place. If on assessment a person loses their DLA, in turn it will be a double blow as the Carers Allowance will be removed.

    Politically though where do we go for support? Labour are mostly supporting these proposals. Where can we go? What can we do?

    Posts: 41
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    Re: Trailblazers take on the Comprehensive Spending Review

    Good point about the carer’s allowance. Never thought about that. The more we find out the more chilling and pervasive these cuts are.

    My college subject was Anthropology. Most small scale or so called primitive societies venerate their sick and elderly and actively prioritise them. What will history say about our society which seems to demonise and target it’s weaker members?

    The absolute hypocrisy of the “We are all in this together” statements. They dare to wheel out graphs and say actually the top 10 percent will be even harder hit. Round figures, say £ 5000 per year. If a family earning £ 200,000 a year loses £ 5000 they will hardly notice. Compare that to the devastation a £ 5000 cut will wreak on our disabled families. Where is the fairness here?………….and now on top they loser carer’s allowance…

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Trailblazers take on the Comprehensive Spending Review

    @taungfox wrote:

    What will history say about our society which seems to demonise and target it’s weaker members?

    There was a society in Europe that did this sort of thing some 70 years ago, a big fan of eugenics I seem to remember!

    As to the “we’re all in this together” statements, I agree with you totally there. The only way I’d feel like I was in this with Cameron and Clegg would be if I was in their income bracket – which I’m definitely not!

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    Re: Trailblazers take on the Comprehensive Spending Review

    Considering some of the reports in the media over the weekend, is the honeymoon period over for the Coalition? If, and I know a big if, it is, whom do we have any confidence in if we face a new election? They are all as bad as the other just now.

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    Re: Trailblazers take on the Comprehensive Spending Review

    I sincerely hope it is over. I voted Lib Dem last time out & was very, very angry personally that the conservatives got in by joining up with them. Next time out I’m going to take a long hard look at everybody again, I’ve never been really pro one party, just generally opposed to the blues. The ‘condems’ have the disabled, the students & the armed forces all concerned for their futures. Welfare reform ‘yes’ but, at what cost ?

    I am not too familiar with many disabled sites but, this one posts some information that I’ve found helpful from time to time & explained some of the propsed cuts in a manner I understood. If anybody has any site recommendations they feel I might find helpful I’d really welcome them ;)

    I, Disabled Bloke
    Posts: 540
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    Re: Trailblazers take on the Comprehensive Spending Review

    I’ve voted Liberal in the last 3 elections but I will not be voting for them again; quite frankly I feel betrayed.

    I have decided to vote for the Green Party, they seem to understand the Oxford Dictionary definition of ‘fair’ and they are not class conscious.

    Posts: 283
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