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  • #75129
    Thank you npower

    Hi! All, If I don’t watch out I might get myself a ‘can’t stop posting ranking!’ :LOL: got too much time on my hands.

    Well this is sort of a TIP?

    It’s not very often that I praise a company oooh no! I’m probably one of those customers that they use to train staff on how to avoid difficult customers!

    I had to get a new key for my electricity meter as I ‘d mislaid mine. My property has a pre-payment meter thanks to the previous tenant I kept meaning to have it swapped but never got round to it. I couldn’t remember who my Electric was supplied by so after trying SSE and British gas I discovered that I’m with npower.
    I don’t think that npower has had very good press but they were fantastic!
    Before British Gas realised that I wasn’t with them they told me that it would be £5 for a replacement key and £60 to swap my meter to a normal billing one.
    npower on the other hand once they were told that I was ‘disabled’ and that topping up my key was a pain not to mention bloomin costly! They gave me a free key and arranged to swap my meter at no cost! :ty:
    Theres got to be some upside to having a weird condition! :D

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Thank you npower

    Wow – that is good of them. I think my Sister is with them, her bills ever seemed to arrive because of a problem with the previous owner and a computer fudge up the system said sent but in truth it never was. She also does not like that they only bill every six months and every three like so many are used to.

    Good on them to listen to you though and understand your situ … ad abve all kow you were not the previous person :yes:

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    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Thank you npower

    British Gas are ar**s, I was with them years ago when I wanted to be put on a night rate, they flatly refused to do it as according to them it wasn’t worth it as i wouldn’t save much and i had explained about my condition but still got a no!! So I promptly swapped to southern who did it for me no questions asked.

    Good on npower for being so generous

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    Re: Thank you npower


    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Thank you npower

    N Power have been good since I transferred from British Gas about five years ago.

    They even put me on some status as a disabled person and sent engineers to do
    free safety checks on various appliances.

    When one day I smelt Gas and phoned it in, somehow they diverted people and
    a van was there in less than ten minutes.

    When the O.T.’s decided last year that I was dropping too much stuff and burning myself too
    much they came and cut off the gas and switched me to all electric at no cost at all. Do
    it all online, even submit meter readings through their “App”. Works a treat.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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