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  • #74248
    Take The PIP Test Now…..

    The nice Benefits and Work people have put on their site a self test for the new PIP.

    Everyone on DLA will be moved to PIP in the two years from March 2013 using this test.

    This is not a Government website – do not worry.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Take The PIP Test Now…..

    8 Points for the Lower Rate – 12 Points for the Higher Rate of New PIP.

    This is very interesting.

    It seems to make it all very clear and should be less contentious than the ESA testing.

    Having said that the big worry is that I have done the test about six times and
    a few of the questions I am just not sure about and my score varies from 8
    points up to 14. Four questions I am sure I get two points each to qualify for the lower
    rate, Three others I think i qualify but worry an ATOS man might disagree.

    So it might be the horrbible situation where you in some way hope your condition gets worse
    so that you can stay where you are at the Higher Rate. Just a Horrible thought.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Take The PIP Test Now…..

    what does it mean by manage theraphy.. is this like diy physio or day to day dressing, transfering etc.. confussed now..

    q7… no box for difficulty other people have understanding claiment due to speech issues.

    Q10. what happed to trouble plainning a journey due to physical barriers ie no lower kerbs, toilets easy access doors etc. I may well be able to plan a journey in my head, doent mean I can physically get there. more chance of getting access to the moon than getting in my local shopping centre.. :roll:

    My test results

    Thank you for taking the PIP test. Please bear in mind that this test has not yet become law and there may be many changes to it before it does so.
    In addition, remember that this is your assessment of what you think you should score – a decision maker may come to an entirely different conclusion.
    You assessed yourself as scoring the following points for the daily living component of PIP:

    1 f. Needs assistance to either prepare or cook a simple meal. 4 points
    2 b. Needs either – (i) to use an aid or appliance to take nutrition; or (ii) assistance to cut up food. 2 points
    3 f. Needs supervision, prompting or assistance to manage therapy that takes at least 14 hours a week. 8 point
    4 g. Needs assistance to bathe. 4 points
    5 f. Needs assistance to manage incontinence of both bladder and bowel. 8 points
    7 e. Needs communication support to express or understand complex verbal information. 4 points
    8 d. Cannot engage socially due to such engagement causing either – (i) overwhelming psychological distress to the claimant; or (ii) the claimant to exhibit uncontrollable episodes of behaviour which would result in a substantial risk of harm to the claimant or another person. 8 points
    9 b. Needs prompting to make complex financial decisions. 2 points

    Total points: 48

    To be eligible for the daily living component of PIP you need to score:
    8-11 points to be awarded the standard rate; or
    12 points or more to be awarded the higher rate.
    You assessed yourself as being eligible for the enhanced rate of the daily living component of PIP
    You assessed yourself as scoring the following points for the mobility component of PIP:
    10 b. Needs prompting for all journeys to avoid overwhelming psychological distress to the claimant. 4 points
    11 f. Cannot move up to 50 metres without using a wheelchair propelled by another person or a motorised device. 15 points

    Total points: 19

    To be eligible for the mobility component of PIP you need to score:
    8-11 points to be awarded the standard rate; or
    12 points or more to be awarded the higher rate.
    You assessed yourself as being eligible for the enhanced rate of the mobility component of PIP.
    For more information and regular updates on what’s happening with PIP and when you are likely to be moved transferred, please sign up for our free newsletter

    Unfortunately, we cannot enter into any correspondence about your results or the way the test works, though members can post general enquiries in the discussion forum.

    Good luck,

    Steve Donnison

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: Take The PIP Test Now…..

    ok took the test results below

    Thank you for taking the PIP test. Please bear in mind that this test has not yet become law and there may be many changes to it before it does so.
    In addition, remember that this is your assessment of what you think you should score – a decision maker may come to an entirely different conclusion.
    You assessed yourself as scoring the following points for the daily living component of PIP:

    1 g. Cannot prepare and cook food and drink at all. 8 points
    2 b. Needs either – (i) to use an aid or appliance to take nutrition; or (ii) assistance to cut up food. 2 points
    4 h. Cannot bathe and groom at all. 8 points
    5 d. Needs assistance to manage toilet needs. 4 points

    Total points: 30

    To be eligible for the daily living component of PIP you need to score:
    8-11 points to be awarded the standard rate; or
    12 points or more to be awarded the higher rate.
    You assessed yourself as being eligible for the enhanced rate of the daily living component of PIP
    You assessed yourself as scoring the following points for the mobility component of PIP:
    11 f. Cannot move up to 50 metres without using a wheelchair propelled by another person or a motorised device. 15 points

    Total points: 15

    To be eligible for the mobility component of PIP you need to score:
    8-11 points to be awarded the standard rate; or
    12 points or more to be awarded the higher rate.
    You assessed yourself as being eligible for the enhanced rate of the mobility component of PIP.
    For more information and regular updates on what’s happening with PIP and when you are likely to be moved transferred, please sign up for our free newsletter

    Unfortunately, we cannot enter into any correspondence about your results or the way the test works, though members can post general enquiries in the discussion forum.

    Good luck,

    Steve Donnison

    Posts: 1,015
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Take The PIP Test Now…..

    Mine comes out as exactly the same as you Vicki.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Take The PIP Test Now…..

    Oww gawd … ight here goes …. I KNOW I will answer some of these wrong because the possible answers to the dumb questions are so vague!!

    I have specific problems with a couple of questions ….

    6. Dressing and undressing.
    6 a. Can dress and undress unaided. 0 points
    6 b. Needs to use an aid or appliance to dress or undress. 2 points
    6 c. Needs either – (i) prompting to dress, undress or determine appropriate circumstances for remaining clothed; or (ii) assistance or prompting to select appropriate clothing. 2 points
    6 d. Needs assistance to dress or undress lower body. 3 points
    6 e. Needs assistance to dress or undress upper body. 4 points
    6 f. Cannot dress or undress at all. 8 points

    I need to select d and e … I need assistance to dress both ends, which is different to cannot dress :evil:

    10. Planning and following a journey.
    10 a. Can plan and follow a journey unaided. 0 points
    10 b. Needs prompting for all journeys to avoid overwhelming psychological distress to the claimant. 4 points
    10 c. Needs either – (i) supervision, prompting or a support dog to follow a journey to an unfamiliar destination; or (ii) a journey to an unfamiliar destination to have been entirely planned by another person. 8 points
    10 d. Cannot follow any journey because it would cause overwhelming psychological distress to the claimant. 10 points
    10 e. Needs either – (i) supervision, prompting or a support dog to follow a journey to a familiar destination; or (ii) a journey to a familiar destination to have been planned entirely by another person. 15 points

    Erm, I can plan a journey but I cannot ‘do’ the journey because I need assistance, well someone to lift me about, push the wheelchair, drive the vehicle etc but that is not what I would call supervision. ….. which answer is that! :evil:

    Thank you for taking the PIP test. Please bear in mind that this test has not yet become law and there may be many changes to it before it does so.
    In addition, remember that this is your assessment of what you think you should score – a decision maker may come to an entirely different conclusion.
    You assessed yourself as scoring the following points for the daily living component of PIP:

    1 f. Needs assistance to either prepare or cook a simple meal. 4 points
    3 c. Needs supervision, prompting or assistance to manage therapy that takes up to 3.5 hours a week. 2 points
    4 g. Needs assistance to bathe. 4 points
    5 d. Needs assistance to manage toilet needs. 4 points
    6 e. Needs assistance to dress or undress upper body. 4 points

    Total points: 18

    To be eligible for the daily living component of PIP you need to score:
    8-11 points to be awarded the standard rate; or
    12 points or more to be awarded the higher rate.
    You assessed yourself as being eligible for the enhanced rate of the daily living component of PIP

    You assessed yourself as scoring the following points for the mobility component of PIP:

    10 e. Needs either – (i) supervision, prompting or a support dog to follow a journey to a familiar destination; or (ii) a journey to a familiar destination to have been planned entirely by another person. 15 points
    11 g. Cannot either – (i) move around at all; or (ii) transfer unaided from one seated position to another adjacent seated position. 15 points

    Total points: 30

    To be eligible for the mobility component of PIP you need to score:
    8-11 points to be awarded the standard rate; or
    12 points or more to be awarded the higher rate.
    You assessed yourself as being eligible for the enhanced rate of the mobility component of PIP.

    For more information and regular updates on what’s happening with PIP and when you are likely to be moved transferred, please sign up for our free newsletter

    Unfortunately, we cannot enter into any correspondence about your results or the way the test works, though members can post general enquiries in the discussion forum.

    Good luck,

    Steve Donnison

    Not comfortable with the accuracy of how my needs fit into their selections :?

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Take The PIP Test Now…..

    There do seem to be not enough questions and whole areas of difficulty ignored.

    But being honest the brief they started with was to design a Test that fitted
    the simple fact that the budget for PIP is 20 percent less that the DLA one. The
    way they have done it is tightening up the questions and missing others completely.

    annoying you can only get one set of points in each catogory, I am sure they have
    amalgamated categories so people can get less points.

    No mentions of swallowing issues or dietary problems. Also I seem to get no
    recognition for the fact that i cannot physically write or sign. My speech recognition
    does not seem to fit any catgory.

    My operation solving my continence issues was good news at the time, now it
    is costing me points.

    Still it was always going to be difficult. great to see our main players getting lots of points.

    But on a cautionary note will the G man see any of these questions differently than you do?

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Take The PIP Test Now…..

    @taungfox wrote:

    But on a cautionary note will the G man see any of these questions differently than you do?

    Definition and interpretation ….. quick sand for the claimant.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Take The PIP Test Now…..

    well. ive just taken the pip test and now im more confused than ever. the first time i took it, i got 14 points. then i took it again and got 10 points. so ive tried it a third time and now got 16 points. :?


    Posts: 526
    Joined: 04/10/2011
    Re: Take The PIP Test Now…..

    What happens if you have a disablity that changes over time?

    What if you have like me have a mix of physical and Mental health problems?

    My biggist problem is I live on my own and dont have any family or friends to help me out. Such as with cleaning my flat and Im ment to spend my own money on getting a cleaning my self, the other problem I starting to have is getting dressed and undressed. EG. taking my socks and jeans on and off.

    What support will we have in filling this test out?

    Posts: 33
    Joined: 21/10/2010
    Re: Take The PIP Test Now…..

    @marcopolo991 wrote:

    What happens if you have a disablity that changes over time?What if you have like me have a mix of physical and Mental health problems?My biggist problem is I live on my own and dont have any family or friends to help me out. Such as with cleaning my flat and Im ment to spend my own money on getting a cleaning my self, the other problem I starting to have is getting dressed and undressed. EG. taking my socks and jeans on and off.What support will we have in filling this test out?

    Very good questions and right on the point.

    The whole subject of changing benefits from IB to ESA and DLA to PIP is so worrying for disabled people
    and especially MD people who as you point out have a mixture of of problems and a condition that
    is both rare and variable. As the whole point of these Welfare Reforms is to save money we can do
    nothing other than worry.

    The replacement of DLA with PIP will horefully be fairer and more organised than the IB/ESA fiasco. The
    minister Dr Feud promised in Parliament that the system will be fully tested before it goes live
    and that the test will be fine tuned with the help of disability organisations. We hope he will
    be made to live up to these promises.

    Living on your own with MD I can totally empathise with. Over the last fifteen years I have found
    a new rule of physics that the number of MD symptoms you display is inversely proportional
    to the number of visitors and helpers that you have. A lot of them are the same ones that
    abandoned my mother a generation ago.

    Filling out the forms is a problem. On this one us MD are better off than most. The last two times
    the MD care advisor has come to me and actually written every word for me. They are also
    experts in knowing what points you should be drawing attention to in your claim.

    Here is a list of the regional care advisors. They are extremely good !!

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Take The PIP Test Now…..

    @taungfox wrote:

    @marcopolo991 wrote:

    What happens if you have a disablity that changes over time?What if you have like me have a mix of physical and Mental health problems?My biggist problem is I live on my own and dont have any family or friends to help me out. Such as with cleaning my flat and Im ment to spend my own money on getting a cleaning my self, the other problem I starting to have is getting dressed and undressed. EG. taking my socks and jeans on and off.What support will we have in filling this test out?

    Very good questions and right on the point.

    The whole subject of changing benefits from IB to ESA and DLA to PIP is so worrying for disabled people
    and especially MD people who as you point out have a mixture of of problems and a condition that
    is both rare and variable. As the whole point of these Welfare Reforms is to save money we can do
    nothing other than worry.

    The replacement of DLA with PIP will horefully be fairer and more organised than the IB/ESA fiasco. The
    minister Dr Feud promised in Parliament that the system will be fully tested before it goes live
    and that the test will be fine tuned with the help of disability organisations. We hope he will
    be made to live up to these promises.

    Living on your own with MD I can totally empathise with. Over the last fifteen years I have found
    a new rule of physics that the number of MD symptoms you display is inversely proportional
    to the number of visitors and helpers that you have. A lot of them are the same ones that
    abandoned my mother a generation ago.

    Filling out the forms is a problem. On this one us MD are better off than most. The last two times
    the MD care advisor has come to me and actually written every word for me. They are also
    experts in knowing what points you should be drawing attention to in your claim.

    Here is a list of the regional care advisors. They are extremely good !!

    Hey thanks for that mate. scary times ahead and not just sonic booms lol!

    I been talking a regional care advisors called Louise Gethin. Who has been really helpfull in the last few years since leaving uni. I think I should of talk to one of them before I went to uni thinking about it now.

    The main thing I’m worried about is losing my car..

    Posts: 33
    Joined: 21/10/2010
    Re: Take The PIP Test Now…..

    Well, I passed. Have to say I’m relieved.

    The therapy question is quite helpful to me. My PAs put my splints on and take them off every night and do physio and stretches every morning. I go swimming with them at least once a week and I need them to help me use the standing frame and active-passive trainer. I’m sure all of us could actually use assistance to access that kind of therapy, regardless of whether we actually have it or not.

    Posts: 33
    Joined: 29/01/2011
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