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  • #73365
    SSAC Vs Secretary of State

    A new report published today by Social Security Advisory Committee (SSAC) gives many recommendations that are rejected by the Secretary of State..

    Migration to ESA ..we had concerns that these arrangements could not be implemented without operational stress and adverse impacts on significant numbers of vulnerable people

    We were worried that the Government had underestimated the level of support needed by this group of customers, both in terms of their participation in an active benefit regime and the support they would need to move closer to the labour market.

    In response the Secretary of State felt unable to accept all of our recommendations. In particular she did not share our view that the migration should be delayed or that the trial period should be extended

    Posts: 62
    Joined: 15/10/2010
    Re: SSAC Vs Secretary of State

    Interesting …

    However, we all know from experience that when the Government decides to revamp a department, not only does the paper work quadruple, does the new process get slower and slower, there is always a computer system to crash spectacularly.

    Migration by 2012, more likely 2022!

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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    Joined: 05/03/2015
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