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  • #75658
    Speech therapist consultation


    So anyone got any nice ideas to cheer me up re having to puree my food and add gel crap to my drinks?

    The thought of a gluey cuppa makes me balk!

    Gin & Tonic nicely chilled I can do but water tastes like wallpaper paste yuk!!!

    :? Michelle

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Speech therapist consultation

    Sorry you need to be cheered up on your Speech and Language consultations. I do remember
    the same range of emotions I felt at the start of this process.

    Actually, now having been through it I feel completely differently. In fact there is no downside, problems
    have been solved and I have a healthier, safer lifestyle with regard to these issues.

    Two years ago, I had a raft of appointments with ENT, SALT and Dieticians and even more this year. Very
    grateful to find that the only problems were “muscle coordination issues” consistent with my MD. They
    have gradually moved me to a soft food diet in a coordinated plan and it is all good.

    I have special adapted lightweight drinking mugs and adaptive cutlery. A whole range of gorgeous and safe
    food options! These days it is no longer just Complan and Water. Oakhouse Foods and Wiltshire Farm Foods
    are experts in their field. The latter even have sections in their catalogue for “Mashable”, “Pre-Mashed”, “Category
    E” and “Pureed” and even “Shaped Pureed Meals”. In my “Category E”, there is a wonderful tasty and nutritious
    range. The Dietos say the best meals for avoiding choking risks are Cottage and Shepherd’s Pie and
    the various stews and hot pots. They are quite happy with me ordering these from Iceland
    or Asda.

    It is wonderful to have so many safe and yet totally healthy options. You can relax knowing all is safe
    and still enjoy good food.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Speech therapist consultation

    Thank you taungfox.

    I’m just being a big baby I suppose ( pardon the pun lol!)
    I have already naturally been altering tge food I eat as I’m fed up of choking but to actually be told no mire roast dinners is brutal lol!
    I knew it deep down, it makes sense, its such a pain throwing ones food back up anyways.
    My problems seem motility issue, weakness and fatigue of the throat and muscles with acid reflux thrown in for good measure.
    I like yoghurts etc… But I do find mixed textures difficult to swallow and mash potato unless generously made with butter, its also difficult to mash things sometimes.
    I’ll just have to get on with it and practice like everything else.
    I’ll look at Wiltshire farm foods.
    Where did you get your light weight utensils from? I have been using mini desert ones and a fine china cup as they’re lighter, my daughter and I make such a fuss if were given the wrong ones as its such hard work if not lol!
    Its a good job that I like scouse :yes:

    Thank you x

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Speech therapist consultation

    Very good points and questions.

    Number one I have found a way to still enjoy my Roast Dinners.

    I order the microwave Roast Chicken and Roast Beef dinners from Iceland, add
    a bit of extra gravy and mash the harder bits and let them soak until soft in the gravy.
    The chicken breast when cut into the stringy bits is still gorgeous.

    Just as important for swallowing and motility issues is to eat with correct posture. I always
    eat sitting at 90 degrees in my Rise and Recline chair. You feel less likely to have a choking
    incident when the angles are right. Also eat with no distractions! I have my main meal
    at eight in the morning.

    Kapitex Ltd are specialists at lightweight cups and cutlery. Their “Maroon Spoons” have a special
    Flat bowl that is easier to eat from. They also cut. Did order from E-Bay set of “Hospital Mugs”
    From USA. Lightweight, insulated, easy grip, see through! They are perfect and hold 500 ml even.

    For cutlery use some lightweight, some thick handled adaptive cutlery from Care and Repair.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Speech therapist consultation

    Brilliant! Thank you so much! :ty:

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Speech therapist consultation


    Good posts in fact!! This is why I love this forum :yes:

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Speech therapist consultation

    Hi guys,
    I have had a soeech tgerapy consultation today and my therapist has asked me to think about having a ‘peg’ fitted.
    Have any of you had one fitted and what is it like?
    I really dont want to go down this route yet but I would still like to know all I can.
    Thanks. :yes:

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Speech therapist consultation

    This has been mentioned to me in the past but for a different reason – more to let air out than take liquid/nutrients in. I decided against it for now.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Speech therapist consultation

    Hi sar78,
    Wow to release air?!
    I don’t want to accept this yet though when I can’t get my medication down I do wonder.
    To me it would be slippery slide downwards. Yuk!
    Thanks .

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
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