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  • #73529

    I have great problems finding shoes, I am sure I am not alone in this. I dread looking for new ones and tend to wear them until they fall apart. I need shoes that have enough room for my callipers (KAFOs), that will allow for my wonky foot, that have just the right heel but still provide enough support.

    At the moment I wear a lace up on one foot and a velco fastening one on the other, doesn’t look great although that is the least of my concerns, they won’t last much longer and without them I cannot stand.

    Has anyone here had shoes made? Any hints or tips on shoes would be most appreciated :)

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
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    Re: Shoes

    OMG Sarah – I would rather run naked down the street to have full on dental work done without numbing than go shoe shopping – it is the most detestable thing that needs doing. I am so with you.

    I have not [yet] looked into having shoes made because I am put off by the one thing that makes us all shudder – the cost. I have been lead to believe that the most expensive part is the ‘last’, or cobblers mould of your feet for them to work with, but the shoe themselves [depending on style, material and foot size] and not exorbitantly more expensive than top quality high street prices.

    I begrudge spending decent £€$ on anything clothing and foot related as my braces and foot drop splint always ruin them and I never feel I have got my value for money.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Shoes

    Shoe purchase has been a nightmare for years. There was a little independent shoeshop round these parts that used to stock footwear that would fit me, but sadly they have now ceased trading.

    I don’t wear a caliper or a splint, but my feet do need a fair amount of support and a reasonable grip on the sole for the rare occasions when I stand up, yet they can’t be too heavy or else I won’t be able to lift my feet at all. Added to that, I have permanent swelling in my feet, one of which is worse than the other, which in effect means the two feet are different sizes.

    I’ve never had shoes made, but the one company that I’ve found that supplies shoes that fit reliably fit me and are wearable is Wider Fit Shoes:

    Not exactly trendy stuff, but at my age I’ve ceased to worry about that. Well, mostly.

    Posts: 564
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    Re: Shoes

    I have had shoes both made and altered. But the system must be different in Scotland coz I have never been asked to pay.

    The reason I have had shoes made is that my feet are very small and very thin but not in a standard small thin way that allows me to simply buy small shoes, I also have issues with my arches and one leg is alot shorter than the other due to my scoliosis making shoe shopping a nightmare.

    the NHS shoes I have had made really depended on who made them. I had a really good pair in my teens looked like a cute little suffragette shoe but all of the others have been carbunkles. I think they really go out of their way to make them look ugly and infirm. I need heel lifts and arch insoles, one pair I had made looked like two completly different shoes. they also made the one with the insoles so heavy that I couldnt life my leg up stairs or into the car.

    By and large the most comfortable shoes I have had are Sckechers trainer type boot. all my insoles fit in. they have great ankle support and walking grip. and come in a different colour every year, Ive got about 4 different colours including a soft black suede suitable for work. (they also are furry lined)

    Iam up to my max in insoles in this shoe, anymore and it will be a flipflop. so the orthotics dept played about with an old pair and managed to remove the sole in the short leg side and add an extra layer of similar coloured materal to even me up a bit.

    My sckechers arent the trendiest of shoes but I am pretty much stuck due to me tiny feet (size 2) the arch isnt in the right place in kids shoes(and hate having to have kiddy shoes) and its only old lady shoes, flip flops in the ladies. :oops:


    Posts: 1,002
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    Re: Shoes

    Wow Cat, you sound like you have complicated feet.

    Shoes were always awkward for me, even before issues. My right foot is a very narrow fit, my left foot is a narrow fit .. now would anyone like to guess which foot has the foot drop splint, making the foot wider ….. ::drumroll:: ….. of course the left foot. As that foot is effectively stuck at 90º I have problems sliding my foot+splint into a shoe, boots are a no no, not enough ankle room to get in and if there is then there is too much ankle room and no support. Also I have have problems that my toes won’t slide so I am always in socks, no point wearing tights I can ladder hem in the packet! Summer shoes have to be open toe so I can use my fingers to uncurl my toes after sliding them in.

    If we get a gorgeous summer, I am thinking of going all Marianne Faithfull [barefooted :P ]

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Shoes

    @amgmod wrote:

    OMG Sarah – I would rather run naked down the street to have full on dental work done without numbing than go shoe shopping – it is the most detestable thing that needs doing. I am so with you.

    Yes, you’re so right, that pretty much sums up shoe shopping for me too :lol:

    Thanks for all the replies. I have been putting this issue off for some time as know it will not be easy – I seem to have a lot of problem solving going on at the moment :roll:

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
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    Re: Shoes

    My mother used to get her shoes, corsets, calipers all made
    at the local orthopaedic hospital (Winford).

    They were all custom built to her weird angles and solved the problems
    completely. They sent people to endlessly measure her and the items were
    works of art and all lasted many years.

    Or did these services go in an eaelier round of cuts?

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Shoes

    Wow Cat, you sound like you have complicated feet.

    yeh, Im weird feet girl :lol:

    As that foot is effectively stuck at 90º

    mine too, the back of my wedge is about 2 1/2″ then slops down. we have to loosen all the laces get my foot in then lace back up to keep the boot tight enough to hold foot.

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    Re: Shoes

    I’m really funny with shoes. I can wear some mid height heels but depends on the shoe. I find I trip up if I wear plimsole like shoes or others with square fronts. I can’t wear complete flat shoes as they make my knees hyperflex (go backwards) so I prefer a little bit of a wedge or heel.

    I brought a pair of Sketchers shape-ups and they really helped my back and make me walk smoother and faster as they make you roll your foot to walk. Only downside is they have a very chunky sole so when sitting down with them it makes the chair lower so harder to get up!

    I get really swollen ankles in the hot weather so wear flip-flops but my feet slide all over the place and it’s hard to grip onto shiney sole shoes, so prefer suede type soled flip-flops and I have a pair from Aldo which I’ve had for a few years and Aldo do the same flip flop every year…. apart from this year when I really need to replace them!

    I am so picky with shoes, I end up buying them, getting them home and then taking them back as when I get home they don’t feel comfy to walk in.

    Posts: 8
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    Re: Shoes

    I hate shoe shopping.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Shoes

    I hear ya!

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
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    Re: Shoes

    I have so many shoes – just plain old normal ones! However, I rarely wear any of them bar funerals or when I can’t not wear them during some work activities. I stand with someone holding my upper body but I can’t grip the floor or balance in anything other than bare feet – and I only pivot on my toes as my legs don’t really move. Shoes pin me to the ground and sometimes just slide off footplates. I love it apart from I sometimes have to give in and put some on just to keep warm. Getting them on me is tricky so I have a normal shoe which I found that has two zips down the side of the tongue – so it opens right up and is a wide fitting. Apparently it was trendy when I bought them – wish I had more now!

    Standing is not so nice naked as such – It’s not very nice in a public loo as I have to stand on the floor with pee and crap :-( and wash my feet after.

    All in all, I have abandoned shoes and gone natural pretty much. I don’t care what people think and work soon got used to it.
    If one more person asks ‘ooh aren’t your feet cold’ though I might just lose it!

    Posts: 307
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    Re: Shoes

    @criptic wrote:

    All in all, I have abandoned shoes and gone natural pretty much. I don’t care what people think and work soon got used to it.
    If one more person asks ‘ooh aren’t your feet cold’ though I might just lose it!

    Oohhh don’t your feet get cold :lol: sorry I could not resist.

    I have contemplated doing the Marianne Faithful thing but have as yet shied because I am stood up from my wheelchair to step twist and drop into the car seat. Like you said there are loads of unmentionables on the ground.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Shoes

    @amgmod wrote:

    Oohhh don’t your feet get cold :lol: sorry I could not resist.

    :evil: :evil: :evil: :lol: :lol:

    I stay in my chair in the car but I remember the days of pivoting into a seat – and the grit and pebbles sticking in my feet! Forgot about that !! Oh the fond memories :-)

    Posts: 307
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